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WHO and UN wants Palestinian Children to be Polio Free before they are slaughtered by Israel?

WHO states on its site about its values “We are Professionals committed to integrity and excellence in health with a spirit of collaboration and a steadfast commitment to science, we are trusted to care for world’s health. Just curious, WHO is committed to Science but not humanity, is that why you see no issues of criminality and anti-humanity when you do directly and indirectly support Israel has the right to continue its slaughter after three days of ceasefire. WHO's values include to ensure all people attain the highest possible health, what health do Palestinian Children hope for when the world and internation organs of governance have sanctioned through silence their death by air strike, sniper shots, bombs, shrapnel, starvation and many other communicable diseases which unless Israel stops its siege and opens the illegal occupation of border to Gaza. WHO states it adheres to UN Values of integrity, seriously? What kind of integrity are WHO and UN referring to when it thr...

Terror Acts of Israel, carried out by Israeli forces, funded by United States, Germany and others?

  While killing and mayhem is associated with acts of Terror, West seems to be stuck at 7the October 2023, for nothing prior or past seems to register in the mindset of US President Joe Biden or reflect in his Hitlerian Presidential Executive Orders regarding military aid to Israel and the same line of thought but with a different shade is trending among German Politicians who can’t get beyond their historical guilt so much so their Raison D’etre is to assert Israel’ s right even as it commits war crimes and genocide across Gaza strip. All the world has delivered as they watch Israel display with pride their act of crime is express their concern, abhorrence, anger, all the words mean nothing to Israel which assumes impunity is its birthright. Israel gloats over its right to carry out war crimes and challenges the world with total confidence in their complete impunity as United States and Germany and others offer diplomatic cover and veto power. The only variation is that a handfu...

France, French prefer Selective Justice?

  France sits at UN Security Council, Claims to be a Social Republic and a Democracy and yet except for certain words, France has yet to act against Genocide carried out by Israel, or even to acknowledge Genocide is being carried out.  Yet, France is so prompt to arrest the Telegram CEO for documents leaked, documents of a Genocidal State Israel, whose leaders blatantly carryout acts of Anti humanity, come to the Security Council act in total impunity and yet France like the rest of the Western World is silent, in fact they might bend over to accommodate Israel. Why is Israel protected by the West: a)  Israel is carrying out action research or experimentation of various military equipment and there is no other place other than Palestine, as it is totally under Tech Siege by Israel, to carry out these experiments. Is that the reason western countries like US, Germany, UK and France are willing to go all out for Genocidal Israel b) Isn't there a need for criminal investigat...

The Role of United States, a Mediator or an Interested Party?

  United States as the mediator between Israel and Hamas, brings to question what is the role of the mediator, and the basic norms to be adhered to when being the mediator. According to United Nations, International law and US law there are certain common basic elements for being a mediator, it may be useful to briefly address the same. Basic definition is stated to be “Mediation in a voluntary, binding process in which an impartial and neutral mediator facilitates disputing parties in reaching a settlement.” Basic requirements: According to United Nations Guidance for Effective Mediation, Impartiality is the corner stone of mediation, a mediator should be able to run a balanced process that treats all actors fairly and “Should not have a material interest in the outcome”. While UN document does indicate impartiality does not mean neutrality, as a UN mediator he/she is mandated to uphold certain universal principles and values and may need to make them explicitly known to the ...

Empowered Genocidal Israel supported by US and Germany, asserts security issues for border control

  The definition of democracy has changed, for Israel and US Genocide is an option within democracy to obliterate the Palestinian as Israel occupies them. Yes, US would prefer not to use the word Genocide but the actions of Israel that lead to the conclusion Genocide, is very rarely even questioned by US. Now, Israel asserts it has right over Philadelphi crossing, thought legally it has none. It is demanding the right of occupation all over again. Would any other democracy think making such outlandish assertion and would others even lend an ear, No! But US is not just providing political cover for Israel in UN it is also ensuring its illegal and criminal demands are brought up for debate. Why, Israel you need time to test jet F 15 or some tank for further action research. It is time the Countries in the area came together and assert "Law matters and Genocide is unacceptable, through their action". Israel's and America's need for tech based military equipment testing...

Gaza onslaught- Genocide plus Business of Innovation for Israel, US, Germany, and Military Industry?

  War or Conflict is not just about resource control, identity supremacy or even land control it can also be carrying on business in the evolving tech based military industry; or it can be multiple factors acting in combination based on actors involved. The onslaught of Israel on Gaza is linked to desire to depopulate the place and ensure Greater Israel and in the process achieve also the goal of annihilation of an ethnic religious group, Israelis have an inherent hatred towards and for which they believe they have religious justifications which even sanctifies war crimes or genocide carried out against Palestinians. It is an issue about Israeli society as a whole, how it evolved and what it assumed its existential goal is – to recreate past called Greater Israel. The skewed mentality of assuming Israelis have the right to depopulate Palestine, is not linked to one party or a few individuals it is the raison d’etre of almost entire population. There is one question to the great vi...

Israeli protesters rally for ‘the right to rape’ prisoners? New call of Duty, Game US and Germany?

This time Israel has broken all boundaries and imagination, it has come together as a Nation to assert its right to Rape its prisoners, and some stating that it part of soldier's duty to punish the prisoners with rape. A few assert, soldiers need to be respected for what they do for their country, and on call to support the Soldier Rapists, the Israeli Civilians were out on the Street, not for freedom or rights of any kind of services but the Israeli society's perceived fundamental right to Rape Palestinians, men or women. The normalization of torture and rape is happening in Israel when TV debates centre around men and women, asserting the right of Israeli Soldiers to rape Palestinians as per their decision or their duty to State of Israel. When the moral army (Israeli) of the West assert Rape is a part of moral duty of their soldiers, does it mean US and Germany will follow suit, soon? Israel's original product co-produced with support from the Global Leader, United State...