
Israeli protesters rally for ‘the right to rape’ prisoners? New call of Duty, Game US and Germany?

This time Israel has broken all boundaries and imagination, it has come together as a Nation to assert its right to Rape its prisoners, and some stating that it part of soldier's duty to punish the prisoners with rape. A few assert, soldiers need to be respected for what they do for their country, and on call to support the Soldier Rapists, the Israeli Civilians were out on the Street, not for freedom or rights of any kind of services but the Israeli society's perceived fundamental right to Rape Palestinians, men or women. The normalization of torture and rape is happening in Israel when TV debates centre around men and women, asserting the right of Israeli Soldiers to rape Palestinians as per their decision or their duty to State of Israel. When the moral army (Israeli) of the West assert Rape is a part of moral duty of their soldiers, does it mean US and Germany will follow suit, soon? Israel's original product co-produced with support from the Global Leader, United State

Journalists Embarrass US State Dept For Defending Israeli Lies On Gaza S...

Interesting to see US Department of State Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel, defend the indefensible.  He keeps trying to roll back queries from journalists, by selective retention and moving it back to the track where Israel's right to self-defence and Hamas hiding within civilians make sense. But fail miserably at it. Just a few questions to US Department of State: a) Your Spokesperson have been stating that Hamas fighters hide among civilians from the beginning of onslaught on Gaza, if Hamas already knows your strategy, why would they continue to hide within civilians, you assume they are so dumb they can't comprehend your strategy even when you state it up front, b) Why is that Israel is using the same dysfunctional strategy to dismantle and eliminate Hamas. How is that US assumes the choice made by Israel is fine even when the military goals of Israel continue to be evasive and war crimes is evidently being committed. c) Or are there shared goals from military industry pers

When Genocide and War Crimes became a Badge of Pride?

  Human history is filled with war crimes and genocide of different scales and shades. Experts on Genocide have a personal favourite in debates on what qualifies as a Genocide. Does one go by numbers, intent or maybe both. They seem quite oblivious to the detached cruelty in their statements on genocide for it goes far beyond the numbers game. The stark dehumanization in the approach has them present it as concepts used in association with any hunt. This attitude towards the victim clearly demonstrates the ground rule - anything is permissible as long as the goal of annihilation is upheld, and its justification is grounded in shades of grey enough to deflect any accountability. No religion can today claim innocence from the violence that accompanies Holy Wars, Christianity, especially. Even though Christ spoke of love, peace and nonviolence, ardent Christians sought and embraced violence to assert their Faith. The only religion that may claim some limited innocence is Buddhism, though

Tech Age Democracy or Autocracy?

    Dear All,   This is to share the link of new sub-blog started by me to share my thoughts on Palestine, and the present-day Tech Military based global governance, which is selective in perception and action at its best and sanctions inhumanity with all its might at its worst.  It is an instance in time, when democracy is turning to be the ugly face of Autocracy with Pride. Link:   g4genocidepactmc-post-when-tech-silences Molly Charles

Stray Thoughts on the New Legal Shift in India:

  Stray thoughts on the new Legal Shift in India: The Government of India is bringing in new laws to address governance issues within India especially with regard to law and order. It gives more powers to the Police, as though the problem India faced was the absence of the same. While the experts have said Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita to be one that will make India a Police Raj, I think you are being humorous and will soon make yourself into a laughingstock for all. Why, from my limited understanding the problem of criminal law delivering justice is linked to certain other factors: a) That prisons are overcrowded, an issue also created by presence of large number of inmates who are waiting for justice process or the final verdict. Often, they may end up in Prison for periods far more than what the justice could deliver as maximum sentence for the given crime. b) There aren’t enough lawyer or judges to ensure speedy delivery of justice. In case you think AI will address the issue, you

Is the Single Convention 1961 for Drug Control- Void?

Mind altering substances may have been around before humans and they show no inclination to leave for the planet Mars, though humans may wish they do. Their place is firmly set in our midst. We could not eradicate them when they were a few (or rather the then identified few) and needed Mother Earth to make their presence felt, it is foolhardy to hope to eradicate them now, when mind altering chemicals are born in labs, and synthetic products are competing successfully with their natural counterparts to be a preferred choice of users. The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 and the subsequent drug conventions (1) offered a conceptual framework for Member States to enforce and address their domestic drug situation, whether it was relevant to their specific reality or not. Since then, the media has been getting regular news to cover on the growing aspirations of those who believe one day the world will be free from drugs. Others who believe decriminalization/ legalization is th