Mr. President Donald Trump, actual assessment,
fraud identification and rectification were never even in the plan when you
selected Mr. Elon Musk, was it?
For that explains why Mr. Musk a person
who owns company Starlink; owns SpaceX which made its mark with successful
launch and return of a space craft, was the first to launch a crewed space
craft and dock it with International Space Station, was able to make the dream of space travel and
colonization of Mars seem real and viable to others, highlighted the
possibility of static spot in outer space throwing up scope for testing and
research thereby providing best alternative at a faster rate with scope for application
across different fields (though at present it is astronauts who are live
subjects for various testing within the context of space); the man who planned
cheapest space launch possible by simply accepting failure as part of growth
irrespective of cost incurred by self, company or society and the man who
ensured Boring Company can plan and implement an autonomous privatised public
transportation by regulating the context and scope for real life dynamics which
makes error a reality and not a possibility, by ensuring travel happened underground
within tunnels. Such a man, knows without a plan, a set process, there is no
way to ensure reduction in US National debt. For a mind so complex, this is a
simple fact that would occur even as a reflex action. Hence, the false
accusations and claims can not be but a means to create chaos for in chaos
shifts in policy or active role of selective tech industry and its slated
prominence in governance may be less obvious.
Besides, Mr. President, when you were
last in office, you must have been aware of millions spent to completely
digitise certain sectors within Federal Services and the resultant failure. Then
why are the eye-catching blunders meticulously publicised, including confusion
of transgenic and transgender mice (a surprise to mice as well) or other
instances which evidently are based on coding errors, outliers and simple
misinterpretation of missing value codes? To add to confusion Mr. President,
you brought swaying traffic and expressed desire to take over of sovereign
countries and even Gaza for the final touch!
All these must be just diversion
tactics to carryout the actual plan of privatisation of US Federal Services.
A Journey into logical
hypothetical possibilities
a) Trying to normalise
Mr. President, you tried to
normalize the deviation in giving total and complete access to information at Federal
Services across sectors or departments to Mr. Musk and his team of computer
wizards and data analyst. To normalize this act Mr. Musk stated, over 10,000
people already have access to same privileged data. This can’t be factual. Probably
both of you assumed rationality can’t prevail, when chaos thrives.
For you know very well in any
large institute, information sharing and access may happen within a sector for
various reasons but access across sectors and institution as a whole is rare
and very selective. Even when selective access is given the data would be
protected through disguised marker or codes, but none of these measures were
taken when access given to Mr. Musk or his team.
Yes, when a group of persons are
selected for conducting assessment, they are given far more access to data, but
that is done after the group provides a conceptual base as to the measures to
be taken and reasons for the same along with data to be accessed. Here none of
these happened for the first step by Musk’s team was to fire staff including
senior Inspector Generals, firing of staff if needed is something that happens
towards the end of evaluation or after completion of the task. Mr. Musk and team were given full access to
data with no attempt to protect privacy or ensure national security and the
team were even given the right fire staff at will including those who would be
crucial if real assessment were to be done. Basically, organizational knowledge
for critical input or capacity to raise red flags on biased interpretation by
assessment team of Mr. Elon Musk were thrown out of the window. This is the
first major step taken by D.O.G.E or Department to Oversee Government
In the light of the actions
carried by D.O.G.E wouldn’t it be more appropriate to rename the team as Drive
Over Government Efficiently (D.O.G.E). For all the actions of D.O.G.E team
indicate a desire to run over the Government as to ensure its services are seen
as dysfunctional at the best and to be deleted to reduce further add on to
National debt.
b) Creating a mountain out of
a mole hill
Mr. Elon Musk you were dramatic
in describing the unused mine where office of Federal Government dealing with
documentation is housed, basically it processes details on social
security. You build an imagery of an
outdated documentation and verification processing unit, in line with
institutes that existed decades ago. But then why does a simple google search
give a totally different reality.
The company Iron Mountain in
charge of safeguarding important documents for Federal Government including
those related to social security, does the task not only for government but
also for top private corporates. Iron Mountain figures in the list of agencies
in S&P500, the company focuses on providing the best digitization service
for their clients as per the client’s needs. The company also stated the
underground facility is opted for security and cost-effective energy usage for
maintaining service round the clock. Mr. Elon Musk, you must be familiar with
the functioning of Iron Mountain, then how come you took great effort in
creating an impression the documentation process of Iron Mountain is decades
old and laughable as a venture.
Then there was the instance of
Mr. Musk of your claim there were millions of fraudulent social security
beneficiaries, many dead, some over the age of two hundred but none of your
statements were substantiated with hard data. From the total population of
United States, which was 336,997,624 in 2021 around 0.027 are over the age of
hundred, that is around 89,739 individuals. Then is it possible for a fraud to
be committed with misuse of identities belonging to millions of people from
senior age group who are either dead or are claiming to be over 100 years. As
per recent data from Federal data base there are only around 99,000 persons
aged 99 year or more receiving social security.
When such claims are made by you there is an insinuation that corruption exists
not only within social security agencies, but within banking system, in health
care industry (as American are dependent on insurance for health care),
pharmacy industry (as most of expenditure is for pharmaceutical products).
Personally, I am surprised why no
American or any American agency has not held and Mr. US President Donald Trump and
you criminally liable and why no defamation cases against both of you have been
filed. For statements from such high authority without any proof can destroy
lives of innocent professionals, the implication of which neither the President
nor you, Mr. Elon Musk, understands.
c) Making Private
communication platforms official and being blatantly criminal.
Just curious since when has X
become the official platform for communication, isn’t there something like
being authorised for communication, especially official communication. How is
it possible that both Mr. President of United States and Mr. Elon Musk feel comfortable to communicate on Federal
matters at X platform.
The social media is filled with
visuals on USAID staff being asked to shred/destroy all documents. If true,
hope it’s clear to both of you, President of US Donald Trump and Mr. Elon Musk,
that is a criminal offence and liable for fine and 20 years (not more than) imprisonment.
This is as per 18 US Code §§ 1519, “ Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates,
conceals, cover up, falsifies, or make a false entry in any record, document,
or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the
investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of
any department or agency of United States...”
d) Governance Sans Humans
The tech industry has evolved
basically imitating human mind, human reflexes and mobility and its advantage
is speed and accuracy in response and thereby making humans redundant in most
instances, expect when intuition or emotions come into play, emotions which
really is not necessary for AI of any form even those to evolve in future with capacity
to be aware. Of course, along with emotions, out of box thinking or intuitions
are not part of AI work, but then the current US President and Mr. Elon Musk do
not time or interest in finer aspects of life though these are crucial for
human evolution.
Now, after Mr. President of US
and Mr. Elon Musk ensured chaos rules United States, they are hoping American
public will be dealing with personal limitation and not be focusing on the
impact of DOGE and tariff on human lives and process of governance. This did
not go as per plan. For Americans are out on the streets asserting their right
to question unconstitutional actions by Mr. President Donald Trump and the
D.O.G.E in charge Mr. Elon Musk.
With evolved robotics and
Artificial intelligence capable of making apt inferences in dynamic contexts,
you have a reality where AI and Robotics can play important role in health
industry (home based care, facilitate screening for diseases or health issues,
surgery, drug innovation and genetics); in the field of education especially as
direct role of human educators has reduced and other methods opted for with
scope for role of robotics and AI to be strengthened, in the area of
communication AI is the star and is thriving, in entertainment industry AI is
gaining a stronghold including by creating virtual replicas of media stars and AI
independently producing short entertainment pieces; Al is increasingly used in
the field of finance, banking and for fraud detection, Robotics and AI plays an
important role in military industry where the scope not be held criminal liable
is what nations seek, which translates to increase use of drones and war from a
distance; even funeral services offers scope for digitisation of many aspects.
Mr. President when you present
Mr. Elon Musk as change maker for American society as a whole, did you consider
the role of US Constitution or do you consider US Constitution a dead weight
and it has to make way for unilateral, personality dependent, egoistic
Presidential Executive Orders that are perceived by Present Executive Branch to
be carte blanch in nature.
But then comes the fundamental
question for whom is the governance is it for society as a unit, for the tech
industry, for the President, or for the masses that make up majority of the
society. A society can not exist without its people but it certainly can exist
without tech industry or even the President. Probably this is why the goals of
United States constitution are” 1) Create a perfect Union and promote national
unity 2) Establish Justice or Equality before law 3) Ensure domestic
tranquillity or peace at home and 4) Set up common defence or security of the
Mr. President Donald Trump and
Mr. Elon Musk, is the goals of US Constitution greater than you? Can the goals
of US Constitution be attained without giving importance to Diversity, Equity
and Inclusion?
e) Privatisation of Governance
a possibility
While the statements here are
hypothetical, they are not devoid of logic and resultant inference. Let’s take
the example of Air Traffic control, an important part of US governance. As per
plan, as though it is a prerequisite to assessment as per D.O.G.E, Air Traffic
Control officers were fired or asked to opt for voluntary retirement. This was
done even when it was clear to Mr. President Donald Trump and to Mr. Elon Musk
that Air Traffic Control Officers play a crucial role in many critical
instances as existing manner of functioning of Air Traffic system is largely
based on communication through optic fibre system with humans very much in the
decision-making loop. This may be because of human intuitive knowledge along
scope for situational awareness (similar to what comes in handy to pilots when
in combat) must be facilitating humans to make a better decision.
Starlink (a subsidiary to SpaceX),
company that belongs to Mr. Elon Musk can perform similar function but uses a
different process it depends on satellite for communication, while the claim is
that Starlink can provide faster service in comparison to other technologies,
it can provide service at 10Gbps, as against 1Gbps (1000Mbps) when
communication occurs through optic fibre. But in reality, at present Starlink
can provide is at 100 Mbps. This is because use of satellite hampers
communication because of issue of latency, which occurs because of distance to
be covered and obstruction to the signal (which can be worse under certain
atmospheric conditions) and other issues being over load on certain satellites
and peak time interruptions. Starlink is also not energy efficient in
comparison to optic fibre use.
Then why is US President all for
making a shift to Starlink, and Mr. President is also doing so after recent frequent
Air Traffic mishaps thereby creating an impression that Starlink is a better
choice in terms of reliability or accuracy, which is not correct. Starlink,
besides getting a new opportunity and a break into Air Traffic Control in
United States also probably gains from scope to increase the number of
satellites in lower orbit, at present the number stands at 6,000 and Starlink
has plans to increase it to 30,000 and seeks the permission for the same. If
this is true then President of US has just offered Starlink that opportunity on
a platter.
While increase in number of
satellites may increase speed would it be addressing the issues of distance
related obstruction, especially during certain weather conditions is not clear.
Yet, US is taking the decision to facilitate growth of Starlink, the company
that is owned by Mr.Elon Musk who is charge of D.O.G.E (Drive over Government
Efficiently ?), isn’t there a clear conflict of interest, especially it seems
the unprofessional and a civil criminal act (even criminal act, when
considering tampering with systems of communication without any sound reason or
authority to do so) can endanger lives.
FCC is the agency that oversees
communication, it is done through a team of five and a leader. Care is taken to
ensure only three commissioners are appointee from same political parties. This
is to ensure diversity and thereby objectivity beyond party lines. But then
this team has also been disbursed or discharged by D.O.G.E.
f) Privatisation
of Governance!
No form of government looks
towards privatisation of Government, other than the private sector within
society. Prior to tech industry, there were not many takers for direct role
within the government the influence was largely through influencing elected and
to be elected candidates or parties. Tech industry has paved way for new direct
path of influence and take over, such scope may be explored if a businessman is
in the realm of affairs as is the case of President Donald Trump. Besides, his
choice of cabinet members and others in the government has indicated critical
knowledge of the concerned sector is not his priority, which would have been if
governance of the country with focus on justice was his goal.
Everyone loves to compare
introduction of tech in lines with introduction of electricity, but there is no
comparison for unlike earlier evolution Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
focus on takeover and adaptation of human knowledge, human senses, human
mobility, human mind, and human every day reality including substitution of
human interactions itself. Now NuraLink is in the process of introducing the
microchip within the human collective consciousness.
At present let’s take the example
of companies belonging to you Mr. Elon Musk, they play a significant role in
communication and certainly a critical role in war or conflict situation as
indicated by case of Ukraine; another company
focuses on space travel and all the research scope that it puts forwards
along with position at mid orbit level; another that focuses on auto industry
and autonomous vehicles; another focuses on underground transportation system
development which makes it possible to provide an alternate public
transportation system in a given area, Mr. Musk, you are an important military
contractor, and last but not least the NuraLink program that focuses in
training the mind itself with AI to augment persons capabilities both mind and
body. Evidently Mr. Musk, you have no problem with the word “diversity” when it
comes to business that explains your interest in different fields.
When considering present global
reality tech industry is set to enter world of entertainment with scope for
taking over many of the process, media industry including creating visual content
from news to specific blogs, AI is beginning play an important role in the
treatment industry be it hospitals or pharmaceutical industry, preventive
health care, in education, in genetics and choice of future generation, 3D
printing playing a greater role in building and construction ( when considered
in combination with Robotics and AI the role of humans can be seen
diminishing), AI plays a role in psychological intervention of certain kind, AI
along with robotics is can soon provide personal companions ( tech world has
redefined many terms with ease, companion would be just another instance).
When world is poised for private
tech industry take over, the time is not for destruction of systems of
governance that is independent of private industry (to some extent at least)
but its time to strengthen governance both at national and international level.
Mr. President of US Donald Trump,
American Reality and Constitution is far more than four-year Presidential term,
or profile of Republican or Democratic Party, it is something to keep path of
justice and rule of law a viable option in human existence for American
citizens and within global reality.
Molly Charles
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