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When Power Corrupts, can Mental Torture of Palestinian Children be condoned, Mr. President US.

 Mr. President US Donald Trump, you govern a nation that spends annually around 916 billion dollars on Military Industry sector, the next competitor to US is China with an annual expenditure of 296 billion USD, but you can't take such power to be a  license for a free ride over rights of others across the globe. It can't be so dense to you, that your strategy of inflecting shock-chaos-confusion for achieving specific goals, overrides sovereignty and rights of others and makes US the greatest terror state of all.

It is sad to see that US Presidential Executive Order, a system put in place to manage Intelligence Agencies and others in US is being used as tool of Terror.

Let's consider the most inhuman example of all. Palestinians watched their land Palestine deformed, abused and disfigured to create Israel with an excuse of 2000 years old history. As though Semitic religions are the exclusive reality of the planet and others are irrelevant. While creation of Israel is portrayed and seen by many as an act of justice towards Jews, who endured the trauma of Genocide from Europeans, this is not the whole truth.

Israel came into existence to satisfy the need for a military industrial unit, this is clearly evident from the way Israel has evolved. It has not evolved as a nation with equality among its citizens, but rather as industrial unit with entire focus being on documenting the Palestinians without any respect for their rights or their sovereignty. The total abuse of power for which technology became crucial.

Middle East was the right choice for it offered scope for access to natural resources, besides unlike Africa or Asia, the region was difficult to seduce to opt for western life style, not just clothing but finance management as well.

Using the subjective, evasive concept of terror the West waged war at different times often hunting for a manifestation of terror that never materialised but remained vague and difficult to capture or destroy as in case of weapons of mass destruction. But control over natural resources was neither vague or difficult.

At present, Mr. President has crossed all red lines, for sitting in realm of power you use cyber bullying to torture the Palestinian population, including the children of Palestine.They have been vocal about their displeasure, Palestinian children wonder how you would feel if someone bullied you to leave your home.

Palestinian children have been through horror, some of the acts against humanity has been proudly displayed on social media by perpetrators of crime themselves. Most of the Palestinian children have woken up under the rubble at some point during the last year. They have woken to see the lifeless bodies of their loved ones strewn around. Children who are alive, many are disabled physically and mentally, yet they stand their ground about their right to be in Palestine.

These children whose resilience is their strength, you assume Mr President you own them and they are your slaves and can be lifted and moved as per your wish and command. Mr. President of US you stand accused of mental torture of survivors of Genocide, war crimes and acts against humanity. You use the Oval office, US and Global media to bully and psychologically threaten Palestinian population including the children.

Laws for protection of children be it the UN charter, International law, or laws in US and Europe consider your action and bullying an expression or threat of criminal act against children in Palestine.

As per laws in Sweden it is criminal for children to endure humiliating treatment, in Austria it is criminal to inflict mental suffering and according to US Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, the goal is to keep children away from abuse, "physical, sexual, emotional and psychological".

Then how come the world is not holding you accountable, when in position of power isn't it necessary to abide by rule of law and not abuse the vulnerable with threats from Oval Office.

US, if you are a Democracy, then please educate your President that threat of ethnic cleansing or threat against children is not sanctioned by law. 

Sovereignty is a right for all countries, a Nation does not need approval of US or UN to exist.

Molly Charles


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