Mr.President Trump, after hinting at his intent for days, now allegedly has stated loud and clear he would like to own another sovereign state, Palestine and wants to remove the entire population of Palestinians from there. For which he is bidding with nations in the middle east, almost creating a new form of slave trade. The President of US standa accused of: a) Clearly expressed Genocidal intent, expressed to entire world totally in free will, standing in a position of power as the greatest spender on Military industry. 2. As specified in Article two of genocide convention he state he wants to destroy an entire nation by erasing its existence and using organised crime methods for the same. 3.Totally against the UN charter Article 2 (4) for it "prohibits use of force (which could be physical and psychological) and calls on all Members to respect the Sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of other states. 4. Whether US and Israel want...
A space to explore and known our world, our association with drugs, relevance and limitation of UN drug conventions, our digital age and relevance of AI, on Palestine, gender discrimination especially in India and Kerala, peace strategies, limitation of negative peace, blitzkrieg, towards this have used works of Kant and Heidegger to understand our search for altered states of consciousness, our search for peace and way we strategize ourselves.