Beyond the Breaking Point- Tech based Genocide for Anti-Resilience. An Israeli initiative blessed by US and Germany.


Tech based genocide of Israel is a planned attempt to attain the goal of Greater Israel, a plan in place way before Oct 7th 2023. While there are many factors that indicated the same including the cloud surrounding Israel’s conscious disregard for basic security equipment or camera malfunction even after it being pointed out by the IDF soldier working as security staff [1] while many state this is an oversight, it is very difficult to believe that Israel and the companies which consider security as a viable financial business would not seek the replace the cameras, when cameras play an important role in digital security reality. After all success of Israeli model is an important marketing strategy. The most clear factor to indicate Israel had planned its onslaught before Oct 7th 2023, is the plan for Pager attack of scale in Lebanon a clear terror act by Israel and all available data indicating it was planned way before 2023, as the initial structure for the terror act was put in place in 2022[2], whether as a cover up with adequate clout to pull off a profile of founder CEO with powerful name dropping and association hinting.

Weaponisation of Pager in scale, knowing well the chance for context of the blast occurring would be fluid and with it the exposure of larger number of people to the explosion when it happens, a terror act first of its kind which ensured that the person who held the pager would be seriously injured or maimed if not killed. A decision indicating a desire for full scale terror attack by Israel and only grey area being exact time for the spontaneous blast in scale to occur, adequate to terrorise the general public. A crystal clear reality, Israel had planned this large scale attack way before Hamas attack on Israel, on 7th October 2023.

Israel has always been vocal about its desire for greater Israel, both explicitly and implicitly [3]. Nothing else can explains Israel’s adamant, criminal occupation of Palestine for more than half a century, with always the same excuse, Israel’s security concern. Yet, till now, no voices were raised by the International community as to what about Palestinian security, a population occupied and whose houses are stolen and land taken over [4] in total impunity even as United States and German keep asserting and praising Israel’s fight and its right for security.

Decades passed but Israel has been unable to silence the call for Statehood by Palestinians or still the cries for Palestinian independence and dignity. The trauma inflicted on Palestinians have been transferred across generation, which mental health expert Dr.Samah Dahr calls “Colonial, Collective, Historical Trauma”. While there are many cases, it may be useful to provide information on one presented by TRT, Ahmad, who got his name from his grandfather, lost his great grandparents in 1948 when their village was attacked by Haganah gang, all adults were killed. Then Ahmad’ grandfather, his grand uncle and grand aunt left the village. In October 1956, while they were are in Kafr Qasim, where Ahmad’s grand uncle was a farmer, he loved farming and that evening when he returned with other farmers, occupation forces just shot dead all farmers. After the incident, Ahmad’s great aunt went to Lebanon and his grandfather came to Gaza. In Sept 1982, Shatila camp in Lebanon was attacked and his great aunt was shot dead along with her students. Later years passed and Ahmad’s grandfather was happy with his family, his son (Ahmed’s father was a doctor) and Ahmad received his grandfather name because of his resemblance to his grandfather. On December 2008, they were watching TV, when Israel’s bombs struck them and all were killed except for Ahmad, who as he grew went through four wars and an endless siege. All the experience of injustice left its mark on Ahmed, who had just rage and desire for retribution. When calls for justice is met only with silence from international community supposed to be last stop for justice and powerful countries like United States and Germany are selective about their perception of justice, where Germany is stuck in its guilt and cannot deliver justice and United States international relations and justice is shaped not by US Constitution or Supreme Court of US but by US Presidential Executive Orders which is dependent on US party politics and personality of the President. At present the President of US states with pride that his sense of Justice is determine not by international law or domestice law but by Zionism and its unquestionable impunity from any law. There seems to limited scope to address the pain of Palestinian population that can not be wished way or silenced with guns for it seeks justice, rightfully so, it can be addressed only when international institutions go beyond verbal support for international law and do their duty to hold Israel accountable as it seeks to repeat reality of Gaza in Lebanon.

International relations and diplomacy for Israel meant ways to silence talks on Israel’s illegal occupation of West Bank and siege on Gaza. What Israel managed through the decades is to divert the attention of international community or diplomatically silence it with the powerful might of US and Germany. Arab nations were given the scope for access to Military project products along with training, it meant Israel had a carrot to offer in return for normalization. Some Arab nations, wrongly thought Israel was sincere in its desire for peace through normalisation, all forgot Israel is a long term player and Greater Israel its goal. A goal that seems suitable for US, Germany and some others as well. But Why so? Are they through the decades undying fans of or believers of Jewish religion and culture. Far from it, in fact those who built Israel also were not ardent believers of God, but rather they used religion to create a state where military and tech would play a major role and for this land is crucial be it for practice or equipment testing, space to cool the cloud...

United Nations does not have specification with regard to disposal of missiles that are near or over their use value [5]. Every military equipment has a shelf life or point of use value, so it is not surprising some of the military equipment used on Gaza population including fighter jets are those scheduled for withdrawal from use. Often the stated reason is that difficulty in manoeuvring and targeting with regard to Jets, which means there is a scope for miscalculation [6]. But then these are used in the Middle Eastern or some other place in the South, therefore taking a shot at these population before withdrawal is fine. After all value of life is colour sensitive and gene determined.

While all the above statements may explain the reason for support for Israel by United States and Germany and their military industry, what is left out is Israel’s rational for Gaza, West Bank massacre and now initiation of terror in Lebanon. It is neither self-defence nor vengeance, it is calculated well planned Tech Genocide with conceptual base for its planning, strategizing, implementation and measures for assessment.

Israel has realised long time ago, a reality about Palestinians which now many express on line- Resilience of Palestinian people. It is this resilience, that sets Palestinians apart from many other groups, Palestinians who continue to treasure the Key to the homes they have been forcefully thrown out and displaced from, at times in the middle of the night, by United States and Germany’s democratic nation in Middle East, the State of Israel (7).

Review of literature would indicate many concepts, theories, models all focus on strengthening resilience whether it is regarding an individual, group, community or ecosystem itself. There is specific interest in building a nation’s resilience in different countries with some focusing on civilian population and others largely trying to improve resilience of Military Personnel and the units within military. But, there is a limit to what can be achieved in the area of resilience through training and other forms of empowerment.

There has been significant focus on resilience among military as indicated by the scales evolved to measure resilience among Military personnel, Military Hardiness Scale (6) (2006), Deployment Risks and Resilience Inventory (DRRI) (7) and Response to stressful experience scale (8)(2011). Studies using Military Hardiness Scales indicate that hardiness buffers against deployment stressors (9) (Delan and Adler 2006). Hardiness is positively associated with psychological well-being (Skemor rovsky and Sadem (10) 2011). Deployment Risks and Resilience Inventory has been associated with mental and physical health measures.

While studies are being done to assess impact of different training or other input to strengthen resilience it is very difficult to get concrete result, even when got through pre and post assessment it is very difficult to indicate which factor facilitated change within the individual to make positive impact.

Objectives to address the Obstacle:

Israel realised its main obstacle for its goal for Greater Israel, is Palestine and its population. So, unlike the common trend towards resilience, Israel realised much earlier that it has to destroy the resilience of the Palestinian people and their love for Palestine, their homeland. The only goal in front of Israel is to destroy or drastically weaken the resilience of Palestinian people, especially those in Gaza. Towards this it has the following goals:

I) To reduce or destroy Resilience among Palestinians as individuals and groups.

2) To reduce or destroy the resilience of ecosystems of Gaza efficiently enough to create doubts of Palestinian Statehood, an assertion easy to achieve with the unwavering support of United States to delay the process, this is expressed by its President, ambassador, spokesperson and security advisors.

3) Aims to, with the above objectives to either ensure depopulation of Gaza and Palestine or transforming the Palestinian population as to make them amicable to being part of Greater Israel, and not having resilience to seek independence or have a relevant political voice in the Jewish State.

Doubt, the Objectives?

Well then, Israel itself does studies on resilience of Israel as a nation or its Population. There is a growing interest in studying ways to strengthen a Nation’s Resilience, it is so important that United States is spending billions to make its armed forces resilient, but till date no method or strategy has proved to be success especially far beyond the training period.

According to Gal (11) the resilience of Israeli population increased when confronted with war or suicide attacks, unlike during times of peace when the level of patriotism was lower and so also the desire to move out from Israel. For resilience the researcher looked at expressed views, survey data on individuals capacity to bounce back, actual data on people continuing life as usual going to theatre, or going shopping, expressed support of war and Patriotism.

While this is the first of its kind study at national level, am personally not sure whether going shopping and for entertainment is part of being resilient. For literature indicates in countries that fought for freedom, local population made sacrifices and ensure the saved resources is pooled in for Nation’s common goal - freedom. At the same time if spending on entertainment continued at the level before the start of war, it would be seen as having a disconnect with reality. But then perceptions vary.

If the above Israeli assumption is accepted and conflict or war is seen as a way to strengthen sense of patriotism and as a parameter for health of nation and its citizens feel proud of being part of it, then the world is surrendering to the concept that there is no growth and peace without war, asserting murdering a few thousands based on real or perceived threat is the only way a nation can survive. The view may be apt for the military but may not be so for development and growth of its citizens.

When Israel is doubtful about the continuous strengthening of resilience of Israel as a nation, and there is limited proof of training creating results that are relevant long term and outside the controlled settings. Then, Israel is left with only option to meet its criminal goal of Greater Israel, it is to destroy the resilience of nations and groups that is standing on its way towards its goal.

Anti-resilience as a tool for destruction and slow depopulation

Articles from different contexts including from Israel, focused on positive aspects of resilience and its strengths even when looking at acts of violence by armed resistance groups. Here the goal is reverse, it is to destroy the presence of resilience among Palestinians especially those in Gaza.

Israel’s action in Gaza is a clear example of a planned attempt to destroy existing resilience of Palestine and its people.

What is Resilience?

Resilience has many different definitions for it can be based on the discipline, it can evolve as per focus be it on individual, group or community or society; whether the emphasis is on process; result of the process of exposure to stress and its outcome; it can be dissecting the process and isolating which skill or resource strengthened resilience in individual, groups, or community, thus there is immense scope for diversity.

Here resilience is not just about the individual, community but also about Gaza and the nation Palestine. Hence it may be more apt to consider resilience thinking than resilience as a trait or capacity, in resilience thinking the emphasis is on socio-ecological systems, from the individual, community, to society as a whole (12) (Carl Folke (2016). In this interdisciplinary approach, resilience is about cultivating the capacity to sustain development in face of expected and surprising changes and diverse pathways of development and potential threshold between them.

Resilience thinking is about how periods of gradual changes interact with abrupt changes, and the capacity of people, communities, societies, cultures to adapt or even transform into new development pathways in face of dynamic change. Here adaptation refers to human actions that sustain development on current pathways, which transform existing pathways or create new ones (ibid)

Based on the objectives selected would like to focus on -resilience as defined in relevance to individual, resilience when relevant to Palestinians as a group and resilience ecosystem when referring to the area Palestine or Gaza Strip, specifically.

Resilience as an individual reality

The capacity of an individual to ‘bounce back’ after exposure to stress may be the simplest definition but it does not mean it is like elastic, just returning to the original form. For when exposed to stress, the individual experiences changes in physiological aspects and mental framework be it about assessment and expectation regarding self, family, group and community. A person is resilient when he/she is not only able to experience and get back to his/her life circumstances but is able to face it with better, positive frame of mind. At times the process also leads to personal growth, but for that the exposure is often not on stress but traumatic events.

At the individual level there are different aspects that can contribute towards the resilience of the individual this includes physiological, emotional, cognitive, personality resilience, spiritual resilience and access to resources that build social resilience, community and national resilience. In the normal course of events an individual will use available resources through interaction with family, group, or community to deal with stress at different levels be it physiological, emotional, social, cognitive, spiritual, behavioural or work related.

There is one aspect that stands out within research on resilience that is personality. For personality is something that evolves in combination or interaction with other resources within and outside the individual, including person’s socio-cultural reality.

Hardiness is a highlighted one for personality resilience. There are training programs to develop hardiness and for life skills training, in order to better equip individuals to be resilient. Hardiness or personality hardiness and cognitive hardiness are personality characteristics focused on by Suzanne C Kobase (13)and Salvoltore Maddi (14).

Hardiness personality structure is composed of three related general dispositions:

a) Commitment- a tendency to involve oneself in activities in life and to have a genuine interest in and curiosity about world (activities, things and other people)

b) Control- a tendency to believe and act as if one can influence the events taking place around oneself through one’s own efforts.

c) Challenge – a belief that change, rather than stability is the normal mode of life and constitute motivating opportunity for personal growth ( community growth rather than threat to society)

The combination of these three provide courage and motivation to turn stressful circumstances from potential calamities into opportunities of growth.

Within this context it may be useful to consider Richardson (2022) (15) description that treat resilience as an internal drive to self-actualization.

Community Resilience:

Resilience is part of every community; the difference arises in meeting of community goal in times of stress or when disaster or conflict disturbs the process of meeting these goals. Here community is defined as “a group of people with different characteristics united by social bonds, who share a common perspective and engage in joint action with geographical locations or contexts (16) (Ma Green et al 2001). It is not linear but an interaction between various components, be it individuals or institutions or association, a process that ensures “Whole is more than sum of its parts”. This makes the community resilient even when some of the individuals aren’t. (17)

Two essential components that construct a community are a) Spatial element and b) the psychological element. Spatial element represents the physical territory, national space that provide the necessary reason for sustenance and development of the community. The psychological element includes the intricate network of interdependent relationships formed between a group of individuals based by trust, interconnection, mutual support, and deep sense of belonging (Montiel et al, 2021) (18).

Community resilience has been defined by Cox and Perry (2011) (19) as ability to respond adaptively to resources demand and disaster loses. Here within context of Gaza it would be destruction through onslaught by Israel instead of disaster. At the same time Norris et al (2008) (20) define community resilience as process that combine adaptive network capabilities with a positive trajectory of operation after a disturbance. For Casliden et al (2011) (21) it is ability of community to adapt to function in face of disturbance.

If one were to consider all the above aspects have a role to play in Gaza, then the action of Israel is much clearer. It includes:

a) Destruction and erosion of spatial component of Palestinians. This is the reason for destruction of national space in both Gaza and West Bank along with restriction on access to national space for Palestinians as a whole. This process ensures the erosion of the reason for sustenance and development of the community.

b) To destroy the psychological element of a community, which means to “... to destroy the intricate network of interdependent relationships formed between a group of individuals based by trust, interconnections, mutual support, deep sense of belonging”.

c) To achieve its goal of destruction of community resilience to assert for sovereignty, Israel has carried out for a year dropping of bombs through air strikes on residence, water sources, schools, hospitals, streets, public spaces and infrastructure. These are carried out with great pride and for individual action, sniper shots are taken at civilians, health care workers, humanitarian workers and even children.

d) Carry out all of the above on almost continuous basis for a year, thereby ensures Palestinian do not get time, space or capacity to address community resilience. Israeli onslaught prevents Palestinians from carrying out adaptive network capabilities with a positive trajectory for operations after an onslaught or ability to address community functions needed to be carried out.

Relevant to this context is a study by Gal (22) on relevance of social resilience and how it is increasingly recognised as a major factor when considering nation as a whole or the capacity of a given community to withstand severe challenge, whether natural or man made. An interesting reality is that article by Gal is specifically on Israel and how community resilience evolved during crisis such as suicidal attacks and how it strengthened feeling of Patriotism. It is a curious and dangerous trend of thought, for then it bring to question whether dysfunctional camera as part of security raised prior to Oct 7th 2023 was conscious and that it back fired as many more individuals than planned for were at the spot. For crisis beyond a point is counter productive.

Resilience as a Eco-system of Gaza

Resilience reflects the ability of people, communities, societies and culture to live and develop with change, incremental and abrupt, expected and surprising changes. Resilience here refers to dynamic concept concerned with navigating complexity, uncertainty and change across levels and scales (Berks et al 2003). Ecosystem refers not only to different living entities, but also organisms and non-living material such as water, temperature, chemistry etc. Within this context change is almost constant and through that equilibrium occurs.

Given the presence of diverse and constant changes, professionals have sought to study it using systems thinking rather than linear thinking. Within this thinking Gaza is a system within which there are different resources, stakeholders and their interaction towards the goal of functioning of the eco-system of Gaza.

Below have used a model that focuses on socio-economic resilience index and eco-system resilience index to provide an integrated resilience index score. The existing model focus on urban areas especially cities and the same has been changed slightly to be relevant to Gaza.

Anti Resilience Measures

Irrespective of definition of resilience opted for, all will accept repeated chronic stress, or traumatic experience will no longer lead to “bounce back” for many. For it eats away into resources and leaves the individual felling burnt out and community or society in state of devastation.

This is the central goal of Israel in Gaza, it is cold, cynical, thought through in sadistically pseudo-scientific manner, trying to be cost effective to find a strategy to be marketed to and by military industry. For all militaries and many nations are interested in resilience of their armed force and in knowing how to reduce resilience of groups in conflict. But Israel style genocide may not be palatable for most, a diluted version may find many takers.

Israel is not a democracy, it never has been and never can be for the simple fundamental reason in ownership of even basic resource as land, individual has no space here, the entire land and other resource belong to State of Israel. A country which offers no right over even land to its citizens, cannot claim to be a democracy.

The outlook towards life including socialisation of children is very restrictive, controlled and any topic is considered to open to research and exploration, this has been documented with regard Kibbutz where lower amount of time child spends with parents is considered to be productive (24). Even today Israel is far more focused on resilience of its nation and measuring patriotism, but what seems a bit of a jar is the assumption that resilience of its citizen is linked to going to theatre or for entertainment and shopping. Generally what may be considered to be resilient is individual giving up on their luxuries and making contribution to the state to help in time of crisis. Of course, each one to his/her path, but when there are limits as to what Israel can achieve with regard to resilience of its population and the need to achieve cherished goal of greater Israel, disturbance and diminishing of resilience of Palestinians is the only option available for Israel, for destruction is far easier than creation. Most often.

Destruction of Palestinian Resilience

a) Bombing in the middle of the night when all asleep at home.

  • This act aims at totally dismantling of an individual psychological resource that includes “concept of Safe and Secure” space, erosion of family unit as a safe space this made possible when children and adults wake up to find loved ones dead or their body parts lying all around, or to find self and loved ones maimed for life.

  • Shattering of individual’s role especially of the father and mother as a protector.

  • erasing the concept of security from minds of children and replacing it with fear and reality of death

  • Erasing the nutritional livelihood and normalcy of their life style.

  • Wedging out control over his/her life and that of his/her family and placing it in hands of Israeli army and its Artificial Intelligence

  • The desire for maximum damage is indicated from type of bombs dropped and use of chemicals.

  • In recent months new jets were used and supposed to be better in performance, the fact there are more people dismembered totally indicates what technological innovation means to US and Israel.

b) Making a cruel game out of Palestinian trauma

Giving Palestinians a time frame for being displaced and acting as though that needs to be considered as a sign of caring. The reality is it is nothing but a Hitlerian strategy of power assertion, for that time period the person in charge of the family feels inadequate and responsible in case everything needed for the fleeing family is not addresses in the violence and chaos created by anti-humanity mind of Israeli forces and society.

c) Taking pot shots at civilians as they run to safety as directed by the Israeli forces. Israeli forces have view magnifiers in their assault rifles and snipers which means in the comfort of their tanks, donated by Government of Germany and United States they sit in total security and take shots at fleeing civilians some times from the behind. It must be strange human mind that can see fleeing civilians, with their small children with fear stamped brutally on their faces, and yet Israeli forces can be calm and consider taking pot shots at Palestinian civilians as they flee as fair or may be a side entertainment.

d) Israel through its forced displacement strategy managed to destroy most of the factors linked to resilience building: the destruction of physical resources including infrastructure meant contact with family and community reduced or became non-existent and this hampered the contribution to resilience building, adverse impact also happened on social resources, mental resources and spiritual resources that were accessible and used by individuals and their family till that moment.

e) Religion or spiritual resource is integral to many in Gaza, displacement and scarcity of water is making rituals surrounding prayers difficult to adhere to. Israel is trying to destroy scope for resilience building by Palestinian through their faith, as they simultaneously destroy their health and increase scope for diseases.

2) Destruction of Community Resilience

Community resilience is, when the community faces stress or trauma and is able to return to equilibrium or is in a state better equipped to deal with changes. Since the goal of Israel is to destroy community resilience the focus would be to identify all resources available at individual and community level and destroy the same either in part or whole. Here unlike normal reality surrounding resilience building, there is nothing normal about the war crimes and genocide committed by Israel with tech-based support.

Palestinian have a very strong community feeling and this is more so because, according to Dr. Samah Jabr, Chair of Mental Health Unit Palestine, the “collective, historical, trauma” that is transferred across generations, it is complex with no beginning or end, a trauma that is brought into existence for man-made objective. According to her many of the problems that Palestinians face existed earlier but now intensity is far more as in case of rate of poverty or food insecurity. She adds on “earlier people lived in a cage, now in a grave yard” (25).

Leaky Bucket Metaphor

This metaphor focuses on stress creating leaks within our container which along with self is shaped by family and community. It is into this containers that different resources fall, they include Physical resource, Social resource, Mental resource, Spiritual resource, Survival resource and Resource for Humanity (26).

Physical Resources

When bombs maim children and adults the access of individual to their physical resource is destroyed partly and fully. The fact that children have had to be amputated to preserve lives without anaesthetics, means along with physical resources mental resources are also destroyed. The mental torture and physical resources act on each other to reduce the physical resources available for the individual to deal with stress, there is further reduction of resources through lack of strength and shrinking of world for socialisation including play, creativity, exposure to social groups and resultant interaction.

Social Resources

All those informal and formal units that exist to strengthen being part of a community, places for play, gathering for celebration, places of knowledge creation, places for training, places to access knowledge like libraries, places where people celebrate birth, marriage or religious occasions, places where people participate in saying good-bye to dear ones who are no more and providing support to strengthen families that suffered severe loss.

All of the above and more are turned to chaos, disturbed or are completely obliterated,


a) When bombs fall, and people are running from one place to another.

b) When forced displacement is ensured to make it impossible for Palestinians to have space and time to increase their resilience (27).

c) When being on the edge with death as a threat is used as a total stimulus to ensure Palestinians across north, middle and south only think of scope for survival and indirectly assert their vulnerability and power of the enemy.

d) When people watch as loved one are taken away with only undergarments and these are individuals who till then were man of the house, who ensured security, and safety for family members (28).

e) When children or adolescents are hit, searched and taken away and mothers can only standby and watch, helpless, with strong and nurturing role of mother totally erased, with no rationale to explain away the dehumanising Israeli forces (29)

f) When children sleep at night not sure whether they will wake up and parents can only offer the solace that we will die together and not safety of life.

g) When mothers’ write the names of children on the child’s limbs so that identification of deceased is possible, and they will not be just a number that Israel has erased. Besides, identification ensures loved ones alive get a closure and the dead a right to acknowledgement of their death and personal farewell from this world. A time for rituals to strengthen family and community links, to strengthen belief and faith in justice in spiritual world and belief in God (30).

h) When Israel tries to take away the small straw that Palestinian hold on to ensure their lives and death matter, to deny the same now Israel uses better military equipment and aid provided by US and Germany to ensure the bodies are dismembered and only fleshes with no scope for identity remains.

i) When to shatter any scope for resilience Israel will travel deep further into darkness, for the same it is applauded and held in awe. The US congress cannot stop clapping egging on the Genocidal tendency of Israel, the world watches in silence and Palestinian wonder where is Justice, when for decades they have been in some sort siege or occupation, under surveillance, alienated and imprisoned in their own land and now bombed at any time of day or night, taken sniper shots at will and yet they are termed terrorist and criminals and the actual terrorist state “Israel” rewarded and applauded for war crimes. The American style of justice and democracy is still confusing to Palestinians and to the sane world (31).

j) When bombs are able to create four degree burns on children, whereby skin is an absent reality, when doctor is out his/her depth as to how to treat when medicines are curtailed on purpose but explained as security measures, when doctors can’t offer any relief from pain to the child and to the parents who can only watch the torture that Israel continues to inflict on the child even from a distance (32).

k) When a doctor has to amputate his daughter’s leg to save her life, he had to do it without anaesthetics or safety of an operation theatre. When daughter allows father to operate and tries to hold on to faith to offer a numbness from reality enforced and sustained by Israel even from a distance both spatial and temporal (33).

l) When children’s bodies for want of nutrition says goodbye to muscle mass and skin merges with bones with nothing to keep them apart and for want of a new identity, a reality ensured by State of Israel and Mother’s standby and watch in silence (34).

m) When mother’s give dates to their infants when their little one cries for milk, as she is too dry from hunger to produce any milk, and Israel ensures aid is delayed or held hostage at crossings in the name of Israel’s national security (35).

n) When US President, ambassador, spokesperson, security advisors, all assert and justify Israel’s right to self-defence and considers tech-based genocide part of the deal. For US veto blocked calls for ceasefire many times over (36), all the while the US government representatives smiled and stated US is concerned about lives of Palestinians even as Israel dropped US supplied bombs, gifted with love at times signed by US political figures or citizens.

o) When rape of a teen is acknowledged by Israeli society and is asserted as a right of Israeli forces, to ensure dehumanisation of Palestinians (37).

p) When Israeli citizens barge into prison where soldiers who carried out rape are detained, asking for the accused to be freed and that they consider that to be just, for Palestinians deserve no justice. The fact that the adolescent had thick rod inserted into his behind, an act carried out by both sexes and some enjoying doing so. Even the darkest movies don’t show government officials or state citizens asserting the right to rape for its security forces (38).

q) When a child whose entire family and extended family members has been bombed out of this world and he wails as he clings to the rubble and says “I am alone, I have no one” (39).

r) When a child is left totally scarred by shrapnel from the bombs, when a child has lost his/her vision, when a child wakes up close to body parts of her parents and can’t get beyond it and keeps screaming, when a child loses her hair out of fear and stress almost overnight, when a child asks Why?, and there is silence (40).

s) When a newborn is terrified by sound of bombs, petrified about world to be in. The frequent episodes continue, till one day child stops breathing cradled in her mother’s arms, unable to bear the world Israel is creating (41), which child knows only through sounds and yet its cruelty so intense that child’s heart stops and bids farewell to the world, created by Israel funded by US and Germany.

Mental Resources

Mental resources of Palestinians, as with other resources, were being drained by Israel far prior to October 2023, by ensuring discrimination and restriction in access to right based mobility and criminal surveillance for decades in the name of security. According Dr. Samah Jabr chair of the Mental Health Unit under Ministry of Health, institutions for mental health care were demolished during the first month of Israeli onslaught, mental health care institutes were flattened (42). When Israel did so it knew soon this would be crucial for Gaza and so took it out of the game, as besides psychological intervention it could supply medication that can ease to some extent physical pain of burns or amputation. At the start of the onslaught Prime Minister of Israel did mentions months of bombing to make “Israel secure”. Israel knew presence of Mental Health Care can water down its efforts to destroy and dismantle resilience of Palestinian people.

Dr. Samah Jabr gives an apt description of Palestinian people, “We (Palestinian people) are interconnected, socially and psychologically interconnected, effected by what happens on the ground. Palestinians’ perceive themselves as one community having similar mood. We speak about collective mood- Pulse on the Street, as though Street is a Person”. The wound inflected by Israel has happened through generation it is deep and carried across generations (ibid).

During the past year mental resources which are often strengthened through knowledge, relaxation, healthy diet and skill development, education, sports all have become events of the past. The symptoms that doctors like Dr. Samah comes across is not there in the textbooks for training psychiatrists or other medical professionals. At present Palestinians are continuously exposed to physical threats, it is only when that subsides, people will get in touch with their emotions. Here there is no Post Traumatic Stress, as trauma is continuous without break and drones above 24x7 a constant reminder of Israeli threat.

But within any society or community there are some individuals who never let their trauma or what they live through determine their lives and these people have personality that makes resilience almost an inner drive for actualisation of self and their community.

Researchers have identified the personality they term Hardiness, which makes the individual not just bounce back but evolve and grow when exposed to trauma. These individuals are a threat to Israel for they clearly don’t just go through growth, they ensure the community evolves and benefits, they instil hope against all odds and this process Israel ensures is systematically destroyed.

Israel kills Hope, it does so when-

a) it kills (target and kills) news reporters who give hope to the community and ensures reality of the ground and voices of the people reach audience across the globe. Israel disturbs this process, which is a form of resistance and resilience which creates hope for Palestinians, and Israel has been doing this systematically across the year in Gaza. Israel has killed far more media personnel than any other conflict, and even more than all journalists killed across the years in all conflicts (43). Till date it has killed 176 journalists in Palestine.

b) It kills doctors, nurses and other support staff within the hospital premises and outside. It kills the hope and perception of hospitals as safe and secure place and claims hospitals are military command centres for Hamas, though the profile of Hamas and it urban guerilla warfare would not have military command centres as the main places for contact and management (44). The claims of hospitals being command centres has been stated to be false by Humanitarian workers and professional from the region and abroad, in fact they state they have not come across a single combatant during their months of stay in Gaza.

Later, Israel and said hospital and schools are places where weapons and rockets are stored, given the fact hospital and schools are open public spaces with hardly any privacy, it would be difficult to imagine whether for cost of rockets and other items, and risk involved in collecting the military equipment upon need or possibility for accident, the claims made by Israel seems far-fetched.

The only proof that Israel has come up with is rusted weapons very close to scanning machines, almost making mockery of Hamas knowledge in handling military equipment and showing scant respect for global audience awareness and capacity for critical assessment (45).

In any instance, when Israel has shown images as some form of possibility for military equipment being stored by Hamas, it has done so after Israel has quadrant off the place and spend days with total control over the place. Given the absence of professionalism and often exaggerated claims with regard to Hamas violence it is very doubtful whether Israel’s claims about Hamas fighters can be vouched for. Besides, Israel is dependent on digital reality to understand Hama, a group that avoid digital technology aware of Israel’s control and power over it.

c) When Israel emphasis its own impunity when it takes sniper shots at hospital staff and doctors as they move out from hospital building or at times as they care of patients (46).

d) When Israel shouts out loud and clear that it is exploring depth of its darkness, as when it shot dead a child Hind who was scared being inside car surrounded by dead bodies of her loved ones. She pleaded with humanitarian staff that she is scared and wanted someone to get her from the car she was in. Israel was very much aware of her situation, her conversation and presence of dead bodies within the car and yet Israel thought the just act is to riddle the car with hundreds of bullets and kill her. United States and Germany did not mind the brutal inhuman act on a child, for them as Hind was neither white or a Jew, her life was disposable, and they termed it as a “mistake” as Israel went about carrying out acts of self-defence (47).

e) When the Israeli forces riddle the vehicle Hind was in with bullets, they knew there was only a child inside for through the view magnifier they did have a clear vision of inside the car. Prior to shooting, they prevented humanitarian workers who came to take Hind, Israeli forces blocked the humanitarian workers from reaching the vehicle. Israeli forces who shot her dead knew everything including the call she made, they knew the way she kept seeking help even in a state of panic, they knew she is a resilient one. Probably that sealed her fate.

Spiritual Resources

Spirituality and faith is a central reality for most people in Gaza, the same clearly evident when Palestinian in Gaza keep asserting centrality of Allah even as massacre and devastation happen all around them.

Muslim religious faith has certain rituals around their daily prayers, which demand cleaning of limbs and face, and this has become a luxury when water is scarce. In the name on security and issue of logistics Israel prevent Palestinians access to water and food. Another attempt to reaffirm the vulnerability of Palestinian people to the brutal power of Israelis. To emphasise Israelis contempt for Islam the have either completely or partly destroyed all the mosques in Gaza strip (48).

Survival Resources

Even before October 7th Israel was controlling the water supply to Gaza and ensuring it is the bare minimum. Through the onslaught on Gaza this reality became dire, it ensured children and women walk long distance to collect water. Even then what they could collect is hardly sufficient even for drinking (49).

Israel has systematically ensured that Palestinians struggle to meet their basic needs, be it water, food or medicines. This reduction in access to water is done consciously for that is the way to ensure Palestinians struggle dealing with stressful reality to ensure bare minimum for themselves and their loved ones.

Israel has the required data on daily survival requirement of Palestinians in Gaza strip and the crucial role played by UNRWA in the same, to disturb this is a critical step for Israel’s goal of depletion of resilience among people in Gaza. Towards this goal Israel killed 226 UN staff (50). What is surprising is not Israel’s decision to stop services of UNRWA but the ease with which they managed to do so get relevant Western countries on their side and stop funding to UNRWA (51).

Israel knew that dismantling the services for a short period would derail the survival scope of Palestinians in Gaza. For in a chaotic situation destruction of an established process would mean well-oiled chains of contact would be broken, for in a community setting links are both formal and informal, more so in conflict situation and when context fluid, removing personalities and organisation without adequate preparation for changes would mean complete disruption of services and re-establishing the same would be difficult and time consuming. That being precisely the goal of Israel.

a) Creating fatality association with AID

Resilience destruction does not occur without planning, it means finding out all points that can strengthen the same and destroying it, and disturbing or creating negative association with the same. Israel is going about systematically to depopulate a resilient population that refuse to leave their homeland for which United States and Germany are providing full support with the complete know how that Israel is carrying out a tech based genocide. These countries have strong associations for research across fields including military know how, they share knowledge project knowledge and related tech initiatives and hence it is not possible they are blind to plans by Israel.

Towards this goal, steps taken by Israel include shooting at hungry individuals rushing to collect food from aid trucks. This did not happen just once but on four different occasions, in different places. These are conscious attempts to create negative association within Palestinian mind to Aid service delivery. All soldiers have rifles that have vision magnifier and so under no circumstance would they be seeing hungry individuals running for food and mistaking them for angry mob trying to attack. Such incidents did create fear and some Palestinians started to avoid running towards aid truck for food (52).

When Israel stopped aid trucks from entering Gaza strip, it meant there had to be diversity in delivering food. Dropping of food packet is not a safe way to deliver aid and led to Palestinians losing their lives with aid dropping on them as they ran towards it. Israel stopping aid trucks meant insecure methods had to be opted for to deliver food (53).

Resources for Sovereignty Humaneness and Humanity

Resources for humanity is not so much as resources in kind, but individuals and personalities who have the motivation, intuition and drive to find links in crisis and satisfy immediate needs of the community.

Palestinian community is enriched with individuals with hardiness personalities not just members of resistance group, but doctors, health workers, ambulance workers, news reporters, other media staff, even children, who make rap songs their situations and have a large global viewership or one who makes Palestinian dishes with whatever items available and share it online.

Israeli planners and researchers are very much aware of different aspect of an individual that makes them resilient, then it is natural for them to destroy the same, especially as every aspects of Israeli life is linked with army from entertainment, media, academics or other services. Individuals who assert Palestinian sovereignty and demand justice would be natural target Israel seeks to neutralise the influence of. Calling resistance groups as terrorist groups may work with some Member States, especially those who do not see the red lines Israel is crossing, but this misnomer may not be acceptable to others as action of Israel in Gaza and West Bank become clear and evident.

Killing Resilient Individuals and their Families

Israel has been targeting residents of Hamas fighters as pointed out by tech experts and for which they are using a program “Daddy is Home” (54), to ensure Hamas fighters who are selected for termination are killed along with family members. Why?

The only logical reason, they are taking preventive measures to exterminate all those individuals and children who can be future voices of Palestinian Sovereignty, and this is what US and Germany are supporting. A tech-based genocide where the focus is to be selective so that number can be kept down on paper to indicate with a great narrative that there are collateral damage or mistakes. Israel forgets when mistake happen on a regular basis when killing specific groups, then they are patterns and indicate a cool calculated genocidal intent that is layered with narrative of Israel being the victim and need to feel secure in the future.

Probably this planned murder of families and individuals is what Israel means when it talks about “Escalation for De-escalation” (55) and is supported by US President, and his support staff with pride with Germany chipping in. Considering what Israel is doing in Lebanon, it clearly indicates the same.

It is not chance that has led to murder of entire families, or at times leaving one or two members to live on at times with a limb or two taken away by Israel. Often those who are survive are the most vulnerable of all children and creating a new category, Wounded Child with no surviving family member.

A total of more than 41,600 Palestinian have been erased by Israel, out of this there were 902 families that were completely wiped out, for 1,364 families there was a single surviving member and for 3472 families there were two surviving family members. Thus mass murder of families occurred in 5736 cases in Gaza (56).

Change Agents who lost more than their own lives

In Gaza change agents come from all walks of life, their focus to strengthen the population to live and assert their rights and that of Gaza and Palestine. They are from Hamas resistance group who stand by the Palestinians as Israel tries to erase them, they are from health care service, media, ambulance service personnel, poets, humanitarian workers, farmers and most of all children.

A few cases for illustration:

- Ismail Haniyeh, the Political Chief for Hamas escaped earlier attempts, but was assassinated in Iran and Israel was thrilled about the outcome. United States, Germany and some others may call him a terrorist, but there is no justice in the same, as he was victim of Israeli illegal occupation of Palestine for decades, this could happen only because the West especially United States never saw Palestinians as equal to Israelis and are totally responsible for Israel growing assertion that Palestinian are not human. For through the decades, United States, Germany and other western countries provided cover for Israeli’s injustice and inhumanity on Palestinians in total impunity. The attempts by United States to facilitate normalization of relationship between Israel and other Arab nations was the worst inhuman act of all, for it was laying the net for total isolation and strangulation of the real victims—the Palestinian population.

Haniyeh was born to Palestinian parents, who were victims of Nakba in 1948, and were thrown out of their home in area which was named Ashkelon with creation of state of Israel. He was born in al-shakti camp and grew as a Palestinian refugee. He joined Hamas, when young, and got elected in 2006 from Gaza and became the Prime Minister of Palestinian Authority. United States, European Union and Israel, the countries that were in forefront pushing for election, boycotted the results and cut funding for Palestinian Authority. Here a direct meddling in another countries sovereign reality was carried out as though it is the right of US, Israel and European Union to do so. This was blatant abuse of right of Palestinians in Gaza, unlike the alleged interference in information targeting through social media by Russia. Later President Mohammed Abbas dismissed Haniyeh and divided the government. But Hamas continued to run Gaza which was put under Israeli blockade.

Ismail Haniyeh is one of the rare political leaders who because of his assertion of sovereign rights of his homeland lost 60 family members as they were killed through Israel’s air and land violence. He also lost 20 members of his sister’s family. In one instance Haniyeh lost three of his sons and four grand children and yet he continued to work for Palestine with a smile. In one occasion he said to Palestinians “This seizure (Israeli) should not break our will, and should not turn this conflict into an internal Palestinian conflict and that conflict should be against the parties that impose the siege against the Palestinian people.”

In 2019, Haniyeh stepped down and left Gaza to lead its political bureau abroad. It during the process of moving towards ceasefire talks he was assassinated by Israel, another instance Israel indicated that Peace was not his goal but a carrot of temporary hope that it and US dropped on the naive trusting groups and nations in the middle east (57).

- Refaat Areaar, a poet, whose poems are filled with resilience and hope for people in Palestine and also way to inform the reality of Palestine, one very different from the western Israel oriented narrative. This ensured he became a target for Israel to exterminate.

His most famous poem “If I die, you must live... If I must die, let it bring hope, let it be a tale” (58)

- Israel claimed the lives of 176 journalists in Palestine, since 7th October, and stand accused of direct targeting which led to journalist give their safety west a miss as the clear mark seem to bring out the worst in Israeli forces. Journalists' life can be under threat when covering war realities or working on risky stories but it rare for journalists to worry about their families because of their line of work. Israel has made it a personal duty to indicate threat to family when journalists cover critical stories about Israel’s onslaught on Gaza. Al Jazeers lost some of their media personnel. In one attack both Bureau chief of Al Jazeera Wal Dahdouch and his Camera man Samer Abudaque were wounded, the camera man passed away as rescue team were not allowed to reach Samera. Wal Dahdouh was badly injured as well.

In another air strike, Wael Dahdouh lost his son Hamza Dahdouh, a journalist while out for work along with colleague Mustafa Tharaye, both were killed. Previously Wal Dahdouh lost his wife, daughter, grandson and 15 year old son (59).

Many journalists have lost their lives or got severely injured and it continues, on 6th October Hasan Hamad, a journalist with Anadolu Agency was killed when his home was targeted. He had earlier received death threats from Israeli officials. His body was so dismembered that his brother identified him by his hair (60).

On 9th October Al Jazeera Cameraman, Fadi al Wahdi, was shot in the neck when the Israeli forces raid on shelters, the forces first forced the people outside and then began heavy bombardment. Fadi was covering the same when shot at (61).

Doctors and health care workers are also favourite target for Israeli missiles, snipers, and given the opportunity, Israeli forces, the moral ones of US and Germany, will add on torture and dehumanization for greater impact. It is interesting that all professional who can improve the lives of Palestinians and give them hope in times of Israeli onslaught are according to Israel supporters of terrorist groups and therefore a security threat for Israel. His body has not been released from Ofer Prison, Israel knows he had only warmth for people of Gaza and they loved him and this is form of pain infliction and power assertion on people in Gaza. This strategy, which can only come in a skewed mind, has been used by Israel from decades ago (62).

Bisan the journalist from Gaza said on reporting the death of Dr. Adnan al Bursh, when in custody in Ofer Prison on 19th April 2024, “Do you realise who they are killing the most skilled and kindest people we meet, kindest people we know” (63).

The total number of health care workers killed by Israel is 1151 (63), Israeli soldiers treat doctors and health care workers in the most in human manner, they have been forcefully taken way, striped to their undergarments and then paraded around. There seems to be no red lines for Israeli forces and international law is an irrelevant reality for them.

Humanitarian workers, both international and Palestinian have been attacked by Israel. More than 300 aid workers have been killed by Israel and not once was it held accountable. Even when international workers were targeted and killed there has been no serious attempts to find the truth, at the best United States has asked Israel to investigate and the investigation by Israeli agency after months still continues (64).

While in many instances Israel gets away with statement that death of humanitarian workers was a mistake, in certain cases it seems an outright lie. Take the case of killing of World Central Kitchen Staff, seven members were targeted and killed, three British nationals, three international workers and one Palestinian. The staff were transporting aid in vehicles after their travel logistics was shared with Israeli forces and upon their approval. At the time of being shot they were in an area totally under the control of IDF. As they were being shot at they changed their vehicles thrice and yet Israeli forces kept shooting at each vehicle they travelled in, till everyone was killed (65).

When Israel is targeting and killing individuals it is trying to bring to halt the process of resilience building, for it is destroying interaction between the social leaders in various field and others thereby reducing scope for transfer of skills and knowledge formally and informally. It is the wisdom and skills that are Gaza’s assets that is being wiped out in a blink of an eye. 

Resilience of eco-system of Gaza

When exploring resilience of eco-systems scientists and researchers have opted for systems thinking over linear thinking. Systems thinking focuses on components within the system and their continuous circular interaction. It is a recognition that structure of a system determines the issue we face and is shaped by relationship of complex components. This sensitive circular feedback system and popular and can influence every aspect of the system (66).

Israel has been using system thinking for achieving its desire depopulate Gaza for a very long time. It has used it in a shrewd brutal inhuman manner and succeeded with support from United States and Germany, to create a false narrative that everything is for security reasons. Israel has the best tech expertise within the country or have links with the best tech corporates and could easily made security check a speedy reality. But it makes it a slow process a conscious effort at discrimination and alienation. Since Palestinian vehicles have a different number plate, personnel at check point know from far that Palestinian vehicle is approaching and delay tactics in name of security have to be in place, so an ambulance with a patient needing emergency medical care will have to wait for an hour before ambulance is allowed inside. While delay at check points was a common practice prior to brutal onslaught of Gaza, later it was such that at any point a vehicle can be asked to pull over. Even in case of Palestinian fleeing from one place to another during forced displacement can be asked to step aside and no reason is given, and no one has any idea what happens to them.

What is achieved through a simple check point strategy:

- It ensures every Palestinian is made to acknowledge they do not have basic right of freedom of movement, the fact that they can be made to wait for long as per the will and fancy of personnel manning the check point (67). This is not an individual deviation based on personality of the personnel, for everything is documented and through an algorithm anyone can check for delay of vehicles at check point, this is a systematic discrimination that has been retained within the institutional brain of the digital reality and has become systemic.

Through the check point, Israel tampers with Mobility, Spatial Access, Time Management, and ensures continuous stress for all Palestinians, from children to adults, when they seek to travel, when going for work, when seeking medical care, when in an ambulance seeking medical service, when taking part in community activities or during celebrations. It disturbs the concept of family as a unit, for the parents who are working may have a disorganized live pattern making spending time with family a difficult task. The dreams about future can be trimmed based on logistics made possible by check point reality.

To understand the impact of Israel’s tech-based genocide and its charting of events to break the resilience of Palestinian, the model used by Jay Forester (1967) (68) to under Urban Dynamics has been adapted and used.

Israel’s Goal- to Destroy Resilience of Population in Gaza and whole of Palestine

Towards this the following measures or steps are put in place

a) Disturb the Governance of Gaza and dismantle or destroy it totally

b) For achieving the goal take away the right to sovereignty or make sovereignty absent.

c) This was done by Israel through ensuring forced displacement of the entire Gaza Population and repeating it systematically making a mockery of lives of people, their dignity, their right to life itself and dehumanizing them at every instance.

Blocking communication to increase the stress on Palestinians when they are unable to know whereabouts of their loved one and even plan for safe ways to flee from their locations.

Bombing to kill civilians, including alleged Hamas fighters when asleep at home. This is done through program “Daddy is Home” and thus ensuring a cost-effective way to wipe out threat for future from today’s children as fighters can be killed along with their families and extended families, after all Palestinians are not humans so if their young are killed, it is fine. This trend that started initially has only becomes worse with bodies being dismembered beyond recognition of even body parts.

For long term impact on resources within Gaza, all relevant infrastructure were bombed even when no human being in the area, this is done with brutal planning to ensure Palestinian scope for a Palestine statehood is erased and this action of Israel has the total support of US as indicated by its ambassador and other representatives at the UN.

R1- Here R represents Reinforcing Feed back. Through the measures above the reinforcing feedback was put in place and this led to disruption of all aspects linked to governance, and total assertion of Absence of Sovereignty.

The Palestinian Authority in Gaza had limited scope for having any say in the function of various services, for it could not even ensure the safety of ambulance workers seeking to provide care for the injured, as there is a real risk of Israeli forces bombing the ambulance itself. For every brutality the Israeli forces had same excuse, Hamas fighter where there or were hiding there. According to Israeli narrative, Hamas resistance group members are a frightened lot always hiding, this begs the question then how come even after a year, Israeli forces with all its might is still fighting a frightened resistance group.

Knowing very well that functioning of Palestinian Authority has been drastically curtailed by Israeli action, Israel took a step further to steal Revenue it collected from Palestinian, which was to be handed over to Palestinian authority. Only Israel can think of stealing revenue money as it went about bombing Gaza.

Businesses were destroyed totally or partially by air strikes, in case spared the tanks, bull dozers and Soldiers themselves ensured the shop and business places were destroyed and documented the same to share it online with pride. While Israel soldiers helped themselves with valuables as money or gold, they took great pleasure in destroying food for they knew Palestinians are starving. This is more than revenge, it is done with conscious knowledge that posts online will also be seen by Palestinians and this is an important stimuli to discredit Palestinian as human beings and ensure dehumanisation aimed towards destroying the resilience of Palestinian population.

The service provided to Palestinian population has been disturbed or destroyed, the measure taken for the same is very simple restrict aid trucks into Gaza, for even before 7th October Gaza was dependent on and water supplied and Israel is so meticulous it measured what would be the minimum need per person and population strength and supplied the water needed at the bare minimum or below it. Hence when Israel prevents aid trucks or water supply, they know the adverse impact on Palestinian and systematically plan to reduce the truck entry on basis of security reasons or reduce the border crossing entry to keep Palestinian on the edge.

Water a scarce resource in Gaza and made so by Israeli forces that destroy natural water harvesting or any other water sources. In the end leaving Palestinians with only hope of unclean water or sea water. After months of systematic destruction, Palestinian children have to walk long distance to collect drinking water, they spend most of their collecting water.

Sanitation is an unanswered a natural fallout of destruction of infrastructure needed for proper functioning of Gaza. With infrastructure destroyed, along with water being scarce sanitation and personal hygiene has been ignored and this has led to many skin diseases, significantly affecting the most vulnerable- children in Gaza.

Education, a direct factor to strengthen critical thinking and resilience, was to be dismantled to meet Israel’s goal, so all universities and large number of schools and other institutes have been obliterated or largely damaged, making function very difficult. Highly likely using the local digital map and needed algorithm necessary infrastructure were identified for destruction as this process is made easier and more organised with use of algorithms.

Waste management is an uphill task and this is a natural outcome of continuous bombing of Gaza from south to the north and the middle as well. The presence of tonnes of rubble is also used as a point to indicate rebuilding Gaza is difficult, and almost impossible and the same is used as an excuse by Israel and their supporters to forget about two state solution.

Road transportation the only in Gaza made redundant by using bulldozer to destroy functioning roads or letting rubble pileup along the roadside. Since aid is restricted and controlling mobility a goal for Israel to ensure control and restrict sense of resilience, vehicle fuel is made scarce and so expensive that it is beyond the reach of common man, that is if they have a vehicle intact. Given these difficult, donkey with cart became a common sight across Gaza.

Security is the first item erased by Israel, when it ensured forced displacement and indiscriminate bombing. When fleeing population, even those holding white flag were shot at made it clear there is no safe space to flee to. Security became prominent by its absence in entire Gaza.

R2. Another reinforcing feedback when the Governance disruption and dismantling made possible through Absent Sovereignty hampers resilience building and drains the existing feeling of resilience at individual, family and community level. This is more so when experiencing or watching loved ones or community experience dehumanization and violation of human rights at physical, psychological and fundamentally raising queries about right to Be. It is their raison d'etre that Israel is questioning through dehumanisation and strangely enough Germany sees its raison d’etre within this process and its existence. At least it seems so when Germany asserts Israel is its raison d’etre.

This ongoing process of assault both physical and mental on at the individual, family and community level is only cushioned by the Resilience of people in Gaza, the resilience at individual, family and community level. The resilience within the ecosystem of Gaza, made possible by various components and their interaction is directly attacked by United States and Germany through their diplomatic cover to protect Israel by ensuring impunity for Israel. In addition, they supply the military products needed and collaborate for research and production.

The draining of resilience from ecosystem of Gaza during this entire last year has been largely prevented by the action of Houthis from Yemen and Hezbollah from Lebanon. The rest of world be it United Nations, European Union, ICC, ICJ or Security Council. All have offered words of condemnation, but Security Council could not even take that step forward it only managed to veto calls for ceasefire.

The Balancing feedback here considered balancing as something that is preventing a total collapse of resilience in Palestinians, for Gaza are two aspects: B1 the resilience of Palestinian in dealing Israeli onslaught and B2 support provided by armed groups in Lebanon, Yemen, and others in the region.

The way forward

From caged existence with mobility sanctioned after an hour or more of patience at checkpoint, lives of Palestinian have become intertwined with grave yard, rubble, absent sanitation and images of brutality of Israeli forces be it direct shots by sniper with no restriction on profile of person, or decision on what garments can remain on a person, to strict imposed posture as Palestinian walk with their ID card on one hand and white flag on other as per Israeli forces orders, they do so in complete silence with head held up looking straight ahead, glance anywhere else would have pulled up and no one has an idea about what awaits people who out of tiredness or curiosity did not adhere to Israeli forces norms on posture.

While Israel hope the intense fear generated will silence any thoughts on rights or resilience among Palestinians, it is easier said than done. The collective resilience of Palestine will repair itself, and there are signs of the same, before October 2023 and after it.

Children to adults they do communicate resilience facilitating hope for themselves, their immediate network, communities and family at large. The words or a young adolescent rapper from Gaza, MC Abdullah,

“ We are Praying for souls, while they are preying on our homes”

...“People occupied this land, Won’t let them occupy my mind”...(68)

Another child who has been nicked name Newton of Gaza, Hussan Al Attar, he made small fan out of scrap, used scrap to generate electricity enough to light his family’s. He is scared at night and covers his ears totally, so no sound can reach him. He says, all are scared for no one knows when or where Israel will drop a bomb (69).

A girl shares her culinary skills online, she makes Palestinian dishes with whatever is available and has many followers (70).

But not all are able to deal with continuous trauma or at least evolve and be functional. According Samah Jabr, children suffer as they are unable to comprehend the violence and ever real threat of death all around, as it a dire situation parents are busy ensuring the needs of children can be addressed and may not get quality time with children. According to her, this lack of attention will affect the child’s inner capacity to regulate emotions and can have long term impact the attachment they form later on (71).

She elaborates, now children may not be aware about complexity of onslaught, digital display of war crimes and the silence from international community instead of actively intervening. But as they grow they will realize that the world watched as they and their loved one where being violently massacred by Israel. It may be difficult for them to trust the world that let war crimes happen to them for over a year and did nothing to prevent the mass murder (ibid).

At present many children suffer from nightmares, bed wetting, lack of sleep, mood behaviour problem, but in some other the symptoms are more stark. Children losing their hair and turning bald because of stress, some have become mute suddenly and others have become catatonic.

Another humanitarian worker said how she came across children whose family were bombed and the children woke up and found body parts of their loved ones all around them. Unable to deal with the trauma, children keep screaming (72).

Dr. Mark Perlmutter, orthopaedic hand surgeon said “ One father whose photograph I look at every night, explained to me how his kid was ripped out of his hand and he went looking for him on the ground and could not find him. Ten meters away he found his kid and looked at him while he got shot the second time but his father thought that was the first time. When he come to us he (child) had no organs, when I rolled him over, he had no organs. The classic high velocity bullet wound is a small entrance hole size of bullet and the exit wound is capacious. An American football was the size of the hole in the kid’s back. Everything between his shoulder blades and every organ in his chest was missing including his spine... when I rolled him back the dressing fell off his head and I saw his brain coming out of the other side. This kid was six years old” (73).

But none of these matter to United States or Germany as they are funding or financing the genocide carried out by Israel and continue to do so even after Palestinians killed reached 42,000 and many of them being children. Even though after 7th October hardly any Israeli civilians were killed, and Israel is taking the war across borders to other countries and is announcing with pride their plan to repeat what they have done in Gaza in Lebanon. Yet West is silent.

The countries in the globe have two options in front either to sanction Israel as a Nation or watch in Silence as a Genocide is carried on by Israel not just aided and abetted by United States and Germany but funded by them, for without the support of United States and Germany, Israel could not have carried on with their genocide on Gaza beyond weeks or months.

Arab nations that focus on legal accountability of Abraham Accords, needs to ask when a genocide or war crimes is being carried out by Israel are the Abraham Accords still valid for the basic premises of these accords have been broken by Israel. Can a trade contract be valid when one party has broken it by carrying out war crimes and disturbing peace in the region. International process of ensuring accountability is too slow for justice to be delivered, the only option is for Arab nations to make a choice and assert Palestinian lives matter.

If Israel, United States and Germany thinks that Israel’s strategy is working think again, for Israel is trying the same strategy in Lebanon, destroy infrastructure, kill professionals who matter from all fields, especially health care workers, journalists and individuals from academic field.

Israel seeks create laws against anti-Semitism as way to create forced inclusion. But, Israel with support of US, Germany and others has ensured anti-Semitism is no longer relevant, for in the last year and present Israel has alienated itself from the minds and hearts of people across the globe. All the black and white photograph that Israel highlighted to create sensitivity has been replaced by the online war crimes acts Israeli soldiers carried out, relished, and proudly shared the same. The photo of child with number on her arm, has been replaced by Palestinian children, dead, dismembered, maimed, with silent anguish screams reflected in their eyes.

There is no normalisation in a genocide, this is clearly stated when Palestinian eyes be it young or old reflect and their lips utter “We will not forget”. And a Universal sentiment across the globe.


1. Frontline PBS. Failure at the Fence (full documentary) Frontline + @WashingtonPost

2. Taiwanese firm says pagers that exploded were made by BAC Consulting. Al Jazeera English

   Lebanon Explosion: Who is The Hungarian Woman Linked to Exploding Pagers

  Tom Edgington. Joshua Cheetham. William Dahlgreen & Daniele Palumbo. What we know about firm linked to Lebanon Pagers. BBC



5.  The Story did not start on October 7th





10. Carle Folke (2016)

13.Suzanne C Kobase

14.Salvoltore Maddi

15 Richardson (2022)

16. Ma Green et al (2001)\

17. ( makes community resilient even when some people aren’t.

18. Montiel et al (2021)

19. Cox and Perry (2011)

20. Noris et al (2008)

21.Casliden et al (2011)

41. Middle East Eye. Palestinian baby dies of heart failure after being frightened by Israeli bombardment.

52. Al Jazeera English.  Cold-blooded massacre: Israeli forces kill 104 aid seekers in Gaza


60. Israeli air strike on refugee camp kills Anadolu Agency Journalist


61.  Middle East Eye.  Al Jazeera journalist wounded by Israeli Sniper in Northern Gaza

62. Dr.Adnan al Bursh. Serving his people until killed in Israeli detention.

63.  Huthifa Fayyad. Nearly 1000 Palestinian health workers killed by Israeli Forces in Gaza named,165%20was%20still%20being%20verified

52. Al Jazeera English.  Cold-blooded massacre: Israeli forces kill 104 aid seekers in Gaza

58. "If I must die": Remembering Palestinian Poet Refaat  Alareer 

68.   MC Abdul - Palestine [FreeVerse]

73. TRT. Volunteer Doctor in Gaza describes Israel's brutality shooting six-year-old Palestinian boy
