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Stop Stating - Israel's right to Self Defence and Hamas -Terrorist outfit, Israel's Genocide is supported by your Narrative

Self-defence is never without boundaries, Germany has the boundaries stated within its legal framework - self-defence means any defensive action which is necessary to avert a present unlawful act, international law terms the boundaries as "disproportionate force" as per US law "a person is privileged to use such force as reasonably appears necessary to defend himself or herself against apparent threat..."

President Biden nor Mr. Blinken is above law they cannot create a myth what is happening in Gaza is about self-defence or it's about fighting terrorism. There is no threat for Israeli (cowards) forces from a civilian population held under siege with no access to food, water or medicine, that the US, and Germany can give Israeli forces diplomatic cover to incinerate live beings in front of their family members, please don't give the dumb lie or it being a mistake, for Israeli military gadget informs them what material is on the ground and they know the risk of fire is imminent ( a reality your professionals and your office would be clearly aware of). 

There is no threat from the population being bombed, as the population is being bombed from air from a safe distance, modern war has become a coward's paradise, the powerful military bombs from above and after bombing and decimating the entire area, they go in groups siting inside tanks and then shot at civilians, hospital and even children. 

The term self-defence refers to specific acts or instance, it not an open-ended eternal reality. Especially Israel is an illegally occupying force that is seeking security through military action, when the most secure act would be to end occupation that has gone on for decades. 

You cannot use the term terrorism to describe a resistance group, that is asserting its rights against an illegal occupying force, just because you emotionally or existentially feel one with Israel. Neither US nor Germany has the right to deny Palestine its Sovereignty or Palestinians their rights because of the personal belief of individuals in office at US and Germany. 

Justice is above personal desires of US or Germany and its Governments.

You cannot keep stating Israeli forces are moral, ethical and within their rights, for these are lies and, in the process, you are encouraging their genocidal intent, and their crimes are only increasing the scale of anti-humanity and depth of darkness.

Mr. Blinken at least show some humanity and do not keep stating (while genocide is being carried out), that after death of Hamas leaders, everything is fine, you are trying to create a narrative that the problem was Hamas and that is why Israel had to do what it did. Stop trying to create sympathy for Genocidal forces, you are beginning to raise doubts about your understanding about humanity.

US, Germany, you may want it, may long for it, may dream of it, may plan for its realisation but 

"Justice is not Colour Defined or Gene Determined"

Below are the links of two instances a) of family members carrying body parts of their loved ones in plastic bags, maybe it would not be satisfactory enough to consider Self -Defence is excessive, so sharing another b) The horror of having to watch brother and mother burning and being unable to do anything but watch, this one may be adequate.  If both are inadequate, promise to find more, for Israel seems to being creating a typology of means and methods to make a Genocide a success story with no legal implications.



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