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How Can the World Know Peace ?

 How can the world know peace,

  When US sets the rule as it spends annually $916 billion on military industry and the next in line is too far away to compete with $296 billion dollars to show,

 How can the world know peace when US assumes it is its moral duty and right to target facilities of its adversaries anywhere and everywhere, which they seek to keep out of reach, " no matter how deeply buried underground, hardened or fortified" we will get them states Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin,

He further affirms: " The employment of US Air Force B-2 Spirit long-range stealth bombers demonstrate US global strike capabilities to take action against these targets, when necessary, anytime, anywhere. This is US James Bond talking as though the world is US playground and all to abide by its rules,

How can world know Peace, when one Nation rules the Military Industry and others aspire,

How can the world know peace, when Military industry is an industry and Profit a Survival necessity,

How can the world know peace, when military products have shelf life or degradation possibility with non-use?

How can world know peace, when "Weapons of Mass Destruction" are necessary deception to ensure testing scope and marketability of military products?

How can the world know peace, when Fighter Jet's Manoeuvring scope are tested out by Israel for US and others in Gaza to revive an earlier discarded model F-35,

How can world know peace when US has weapons which need live testing for ensuring marketability, for controlled settings can never be complex enough,

How can the world know peace When an onslaught is termed as war fought between Israel army of 600,000 plus and a resistance group of 35,000,

How can world know Peace, when Yahya Sinwar a resistance leader is called a butcher, by nations that enslaved him and his people for decades and Prime Minister of Israel who enslaved them and calls for murder of kids as well, for all are Amalek, and yet he receives repeated standing ovations at US Congress and is held as a great moral democratic leader,

How can the world know Peace, when Houthis, Hezbollah are the only groups asserting against Genocide in Gaza and they state they will lay down arms when peace in Palestine is restored.

How can the world know Peace, when those who assert against Genocide are bombed with pride by US and those who commit Genocide applauded and gifted with billions of Military Aid.

How can the world know Peace, when UN and its agencies can only growl with no teeth to bite,

How can the world know Peace, when US governs the Military industry and governs the UN security council with its Veto,

How can the world know Peace, when both Military Industry and final call at UN is given final approval by one individual- the President of United States,

How will the world Know Peace, when US Presidential Executive order governs over UN, US constitution and Supreme Court of US,

How will world know peace, when one man rules the world.


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