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The arrest of Telegram CEO, Just a power game for control over narrative?


French Cyber Security, never thought a global drug trader, marketer, human trafficker, extortionist, gun trafficker could exist all rolled in one and on one platform and under the control of one individual, along with disinformation, fake news? It is extremely interesting that you have identified Telegram as the central point for global illegal crime activities.

Just curious, by your logic all the postal departments across the globe should be held criminally liable, for after all these department have provided some sort of cover for most of the activities and drug trade taking the prime spot. Can we expect a global plan in action to arrest the respective Postal Department heads or the concerned Ministers. This is great!

Since, there are different laws and different provisions under these laws for carrying out arrest, just curious which law took precedent over all else.

Since, you have identified Telegram as the main culprit, you should inform UNODC for they are under the vague impression dark web and drug traders/marketers preferred peer to peer network as the main means for communication.

Since there are other platforms also providing encrypted messaging and do assert freedom of speech and disinformation without flinching an eyelid, would you be going after them too?

Don’t get me wrong I have lot of issues with digital technology especially its takeover or belittling of human mind. Yet, it is only fair to have doubts when against one individual such broad scale of specific targeted accusations is made especially when the platform in question might be one of the only remaining platforms where people can protest against Israel’s genocide, for even the great outspoken personalities for freedom of expression who own other platforms have preferred to support Israel.

Maybe you should add on to list of crimes, disturbance of Neat War Crime and Genocidal Plan by Israel for Gaza and West Bank, it may be more apt don’t you think? After all the Israel lobby should prove their might, I have realised for them there is no concept of small fry.

By the way by your logic the CEO of Telegram is not very apt for business for in spite of all these money-making activities he is carrying out, and with all the publicity given with large string of followers, he is just worth a few billions.

By the way, if you want to go after large scale drug trade, check out why large shipping companies with repeated offences and methods of trade made public for all, get away without being held accountable.

Molly Charles


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