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Israel Reigning by Terror in the Name of Self-Defence. Part II International Cover?

From the realm of UN and its organs to the western media of all form and sizes, the act injustice to Palestinians starts with the first sentence when you state, “October 7th 2023 attack by Hamas on Israel led to this war”. Even before a conversation can take form you have made your judgement and hope to shape the narrative of your audience in those lines. Have you ever thought of analysing what you emphatically state:

a) Relevance of the first sentence: you introduce a topic, you make you stance clear to lay the foundation for your frame, human mind often catches the start and the end and so you are conditioning your audience with your bias, you ensure an emotional response that you seek to elicit.

b) You state the beginning is 7th October 2023, a fallacy Israel wants to propagate and strengthen, and you ignore: the murders of Palestinians before that,

a) you ignore Israel State Hostage Taking of children and their illegal detention without charging for years and at times decades,

b) you ignore and condone the illegal land grab of Palestinian land by Israel, 

c) you consider destruction of water sources not an issue worthy of international persistent attention,

d) you state through your silence Israel, the occupying power, is a privileged lot who can built a wall of separation between illegal occupying population and the occupied legitimate owners of the land,

e) you never call for judicial review when illegal takeover of land is legalised by Israel Court when it has no right to (indicating how even the legal system of Israel is Criminal when it comes to concept of and right for Israel State and Israelis),

f) you ignore the continuous surveillance that exist within Gaza and parts of West Bank, at times the cameras are directly pointing to inside houses of Palestinians,

g) you ignore the people from press killed through direct targeting even before 7th October,

h)you ignore the number of lives lost because medical care delayed as the Israelis have numerous check point and they delay the process just to indicate their power, for Israelis through their surveillance and algorithm know about the details of the vehicle, ownership and who are likely to be the occupants as identification is in the system and raw data from vehicle visible and so if any delay occurs in case of medical care it is done on purpose to torture and show power of control ( a reality you will be surely aware as you do have digital experts),

i) you ignore the attack on sovereignty or independence of Palestinians to govern when you let Government of Israel steal the money they collect as taxes on behalf of Palestinians which they do only to spite and indicate Palestinians are incapable of governing themselves,

j) you kept quite when Palestinian groups raised funds for Gaza port and the process was stopped by Israel claiming it would be anti-Semitic to fund project for Gaza, 

k) all of you including UN and its organs never thought it is a total and complete violation of an ethnic group trying to protect their sense of independence and right to exist,

l) you never questioned the right of United States to be a mediator when it was biased from the word go and it used its role and veto power to ensure only injustice was and is delivered to Palestine and its people,

m) you never thought that Oslo accords through the absence of a beginning and end would be tool for skilled and manipulative Israel to ensure occupation continues forever or till Palestinians are forced out and their land taken over, please do not state that is an oversight for the Western mind is Linear as is Israeli mind set, so absence of beginning and end  was on purpose or through force for the narrative and action control (Israel loves such form of strategic intervention),

n) you never raised it as a violation of international law when Israeli Prime Minister Shares maps that indicate disappearing Palestinian land very blatantly at UN forum and thereby asserting Israel knows it is above the law... The list of atrocities you ignore through your biased statement continues.

You gave Israel Statehood when it did not even have all its governance system in place nor its institutions but let yourself to be bullied when Palestine asked its rights. Yes, they did not come earlier, who would since you were party to the creation of Israel and stealing of Palestinian land for the same. United States insists it is not the right time and so do some Member States of EU, are these leaders and their obedient officials under the impression they are colonial rulers who can decide and deliver justice in discriminatory manner with no legal or logical justification. Please, do not state at present the institutions have been destroyed, countries have existed with governance in place even when infrastructure never the focus.

UN and West you did come down like a ton of bricks when six Israeli hostages were killed, but such condemnation did not exist when Israel itself killed its own citizens, please don’t say it was a mistake, the Israeli hostages were waving white flag and wanted to be recognized which Israeli AI system would have done instantaneously as it has access to all relevant data. Why no such condemnation and anger instead of bland words when Palestinian lives are lost, have you come to believe Israeli lives are far more important to humanity than that of Palestinians. By the way many in the world may believe the opposite and your biased narration and action is not helping.

UN and its organs ignore the fact that they have been aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes and occupation through their silence, at the best assertion are made and no final judgement or action. This fuels Israeli understanding that they are privileged and above the law and this is reflected in blatant settler violence and acts at dehumanising Palestinian population by Israeli forces. Israel has yet to be held accountable for any of its violation against occupied people whether in West Bank or Gaza.

Denial of Statehood for Palestine, even it abstract, is a violation of the entire nation or ethnic group. If statehood could be given to Israel when it had nothing in place, it should have been given to Palestine long time ago. If the UN system is used to veto a legitimate demand delayed unjustly, then it is UN system and US and others who use their power to ensure injustice that needs course correction and not Palestinians.

Israel does not want Palestine state, as then it cannot have direct and indirect control, it will have to give up on its own dream of Greater Palestine for which it imports Jews from all over and then classify them as second-class citizens based on their lineage, while Jews from Europe who genetically have nothing to do with the region are given privileges.

Israel is reigning terror in Palestine in the name of self-defence, and UN and its organs, US, Germany and supporters of Israel are supporting the reign of terror, through silence, biased narration and direct support through military aid.

Why is that you expect Palestinian who have been living in terror Israel created systematically to make it systemic and well entrenched must feel love and humanity towards Israeli tormentors who are proud of their capacity and skill to dehumanize and kill Palestinian irrespective of age?

Another Case of Israel Reigning Terror on Palestinians

There may be no case in the past or future which will reflect the trauma Palestinians go through, boxed in from all sides, with continuous monitoring by drones which when no in surveillance mode do drop bombs as though for side entertainment. It does not need a behaviour scientist to know that Israel on one hand is destroying all symbols of Palestinian Identity, culture, resilience, history and unity and at the same time it is putting in new symbols to evoke constant fear, be it systematic destruction of all structure of care, nurture or togetherness and filling the empty spaces with military equipment which give live demonstration of its capacity to kill and maim whether in the daylight or dead of night. The tanks with gun wielding soldiers are just doing that they are invoking fear and reaffirming the stimuli in Gaza that remains are those that are linked to death and mayhem. As due to logistic, security (for the Israeli soldiers) and cost it is not possible to keep these stationed in one place and to address the same Israel has it cost effective drones available 24X7 any day, to make its constant presence felt. It is a miracle of the universe that some of the Palestinian still see hope in the darkness and continue to stand for one another.

But everyone is not able to take terror in their stride, they are tortured unable to make sense why a small group in bombed daily, sniper shot at, starved, medical care denied and that too by a country that is considered to be one among the powerful armies in the world, nor is it evident to any sane mind how United States, Germany and others consider it is just for Israel to carry on with its reign and they insist Israel is doing this for security reasons and out of self-defence.

Sama Tabeel, an eight-year-old, has been displaced more than once from their residence in Northern Gaza, at first, they were displaced to Hospital in Rafah, this happened because of constant shooting and air strikes by Israeli forces in Northern Gaza. After they shifted to Rafah, one night as they were sleeping the Israeli forces bombed the second floor of the hospital, Sama woke up from her sleep startled and terrified, she and her mother left from the hospital to Khan Younis. Sama’s mother says her child was unable overcome the experience. Around two days after they shifted to Khan Younis, Sama noticed while combing her hair, it just kept coming off and quickly she became bald. Sama was taken to the different doctors and hospitals; they were told that it was stress and fear that led to sudden falling of hair in large numbers. They were asked to buy medicine, which is not available in Gaza.

Sama’s life has changed completely, she no longer goes outside to play with her friends, scared of being asked various question about her hair and so she just sits inside with her mother and siblings. She longs for things to be normal again.


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