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WHO and UN wants Palestinian Children to be Polio Free before they are slaughtered by Israel?

WHO states on its site about its values “We are Professionals committed to integrity and excellence in health with a spirit of collaboration and a steadfast commitment to science, we are trusted to care for world’s health.

Just curious, WHO is committed to Science but not humanity, is that why you see no issues of criminality and anti-humanity when you do directly and indirectly support Israel has the right to continue its slaughter after three days of ceasefire.

WHO's values include to ensure all people attain the highest possible health, what health do Palestinian Children hope for when the world and internation organs of governance have sanctioned through silence their death by air strike, sniper shots, bombs, shrapnel, starvation and many other communicable diseases which unless Israel stops its siege and opens the illegal occupation of border to Gaza.

WHO states it adheres to UN Values of integrity, seriously? What kind of integrity are WHO and UN referring to when it through its silence and now WHO through its action support the war crimes of Israel and even its Genocide. For there is neither honesty nor morality when no action is taken against Israel and those countries that support genocide carried out by Israel. Justice delayed is justice denied.

Besides, let’s look at issue of criminal liability for aiding and abetting crime as indicated by UN itself. “The actus reus of aiding and abetting is constituted by acts of Omission that assist, further, or lend mind support to the perpetration of a Specific Crime. [1]

The mens rea for aiding and abetting is knowledge that acts performed by the aider and abettor assist in the commission of the crime by the principal. [2]

It is well established that it is not necessary for an accused to know the precise crime which was intended and which in the event was committed, but he must be aware of its essential elements. [3]

If an accused is aware that one of a number of crimes will probably be committed and one of those crimes in fact is committed, he has intended to facilitate the commission of that crime[4]”

The actus reus or “guilty act” is one of the elements normally required to prove commission of a crime in Common Law Jurisdiction. Actus reus refers to the act of omission that comprises the physical elements of a crime as required by the statue. Actus reus includes only a voluntary affirmative act, or an omission (failure to act), causing a criminal proscribed result.

Mens reus or “guilty mind” refers to the offender's mental state at the time of the crime. Mens rea is a state of mind statutorily required in order to convict a particular defendant of a particular crime.

Does WHO and UN stand accused of aiding and abetting war crimes

Both agencies if in agreement for short pause, stand accused of being fully aware of continuation of war crime including killing or maiming of children after the pause. When they agree to the pause, they are also agree to continuation of war crimes after pause. They stand accused of both actus reus “guilty act” they are entering into discussion with a terror agency or government for creating an illusion of governance normalcy to carry out a task which does not address the cause of the disease polio: which is the siege on Gaza, destruction of health care and aid service delivery, targeted destruction of clean water sources, ensured starvation, mental torture of playing Russian Roulette by force, 24x7 for last 11 months. They stand accused of mens rea for they are clearly aware of the number of crimes that will probably be committed and one of those will be committed, if as per Israel the war or “onslaught” on Gaza continues, and therefore both WHO and UN stand accused that they intended to facilitate the commission of that crimes.

This silence is unbearable, hope Arab nations hold Israel accountable for its Genocide or War Crimes.

Please, Stop trade into Israel.

Molly Charles


Case Law Database, Notions Aiding and Abetting Definition, Case Karera Francois, Appeal Judgement 2-2-2009, UN IRMCT

Aiding and Abetting 


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