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Empowered Genocidal Israel supported by US and Germany, asserts security issues for border control


The definition of democracy has changed, for Israel and US Genocide is an option within democracy to obliterate the Palestinian as Israel occupies them. Yes, US would prefer not to use the word Genocide but the actions of Israel that lead to the conclusion Genocide, is very rarely even questioned by US.

Now, Israel asserts it has right over Philadelphi crossing, thought legally it has none. It is demanding the right of occupation all over again.

Would any other democracy think making such outlandish assertion and would others even lend an ear, No! But US is not just providing political cover for Israel in UN it is also ensuring its illegal and criminal demands are brought up for debate. Why, Israel you need time to test jet F 15 or some tank for further action research.

It is time the Countries in the area came together and assert "Law matters and Genocide is unacceptable, through their action".

Israel's and America's need for tech based military equipment testing is never going to end. If I am not mistaken, they are already testing their new toy fighter F 15 Ex, which was finalized for operation in July 2023. There is no need to guess if Gaza played a role in the finalisation or not. 

Countries in the region need to see the future, beyond Gaza, for if Gaza onslaught is allowed then Israel is going to Research, Test and Evaluate across the region. 

Some of the countries are following US and Israel and Spending huge amounts on military equipment, please remember the manufacturing countries especially Israel and US will always keep the best for themselves. Israel loves to do future planning. Trying to address domestic (national) issues with military power may give short term gains, but in long term it never works. Because the entire negative peace is based on art of war, which is far more tuned for enemy from the outside not conflict within.

 Israel has to be put in its spot through blockade and sanction. A large part of its population are double citizens, and no one is going to hang around there if real blockade continues. Please don't let Israel have control over Gaza or give it space or opportunity for military equipment testing because that would lead to expansion in type and scale. Beyond everything else it can be an environmental disaster for the region as some of the area is disaster prone.

Molly Charles


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